This site is not part of any organization. It is a personal site because I myself feel stongly about this issue. This site is to both raise awarness on the subject but it is up to you to take the initiative and bring this information to your homes, schools, offices, media, and state representatives. I am simply just a student trying to get this message across. THANK YOU.OVER 400,000 PEOPLE have died so far in the result of this genocide... Women are being raped and children murded by the Sudanese government soldiers and members of the government referred to as the "Janjaweed" About 2 million people have lost their homes, their villages have been destroyed and property stolen.THOUSANDS DIE each month from the effects of this genocide including the insufficient amount of food, water, health care, and shelter in the harsh weather conditions of Southern Africa.THE REBELLION has been going on since 2003 and the people have been suffering ever since.