Cosplay, sewing, theatre, ballet, Earth science (on a qualitative level), anime, video games
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I was promised cosplayers, Dammit! Though I guess I'll talk to other people too... if I have to ^_^
Please note that I do clean up my friends list regularly, so if I don't know you and we never talk, you may find yourself removed.
Just about anything dancable.
ALL movies with Johnny Depp, Monty Python, Hayao Miyazaki, Quentin Tarantino, Baz Luhrmann, musicals, comedy, action WITH plot, and the dark and disturbing.
Trying to cut back, but I'm addicted to the Food Network. Also Queer as Folk, CSI, and anime (though most of what I like isn't aired on North American TV... it sitll counts, right?)
Sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery. I love David Brin, Philip Pullman, and Guy Gavriel Kay. Fruits Basket manga.