Archery, Ninpo, Motorcycles, Anime, Animation, Badminton, Japanese culture, Travelling, Antiques, Stained Glass, Industrial Design
Good people...since angry stupid people tend to follow me around all the time.
The Levellers, Trisomnie 21, The chameleons UK, John Zorn, Bob Dylan, Godspeed, This mortal coil, ultravox, custom, placebo, neon zoo, modern english, Led Zepplin, J-pop
Jan Svankmajer (Anything made by) Uzumaki Brazil Kafka Europa Europa Institute Benjamenta Cat Soup The street of Crocodiles Baraka 400 coups Blade Runner Tatie Danielle Lord of the Rings (couldn't see that coming..did you!)
I hate Television....It sucks! Its one of the few devices made by man that kills most peoples creativity.
Good Omens The long Dark Teatime of The Soul - Douglas Adams Margret Lawrence - Anything is good! Piers the plowman - William Langland
ME! The Inuit people! Bums who recycle!....everything!