Kristy profile picture


Kiss My Tiara

About Me


This profile was edited with Zeebler Editor

My motto is "You only live once" and anyone who knows me well knows that I live my life to its fullest. My friends are all dear to me and more importantly my family. I currently work for a cancer research, development and pharmaceutical company and spend most of my time at the office. I work hard and play hard so when the weekends arrive, I am on the go spending as much time with my family and friends as I can. I love to be spontaneous and love to be around real and honest individuals."...EVER NOTICE THAT "WHAT THE HELL" IS ALWAYS THE RIGHT DECISION?"...Marilyn Monroe

My Interests

Laying out at the pool with my friends, cooking out on a sunny day, entertaining people at my house, playing poker or dominos with my family, getting hugs and kisses from my niece & nephews, shopping, and did I mention shopping?

I'd like to meet:

Marilyn Monroe, Marvin Gaye, Elvis...I know they are all dead but 'bout...George Strait, Keith Urban...and...I saved the best for last..............................Matthew McYouKnowWho!


I like everything from Marvin Gaye to Etta James to hip hop to George and all that's in between...lots of versatility in my life...I am a country girl at heart so my roots are definitely country music and that only means George Strait. I actually got to meet him and My Oh My...what else can I say???? If there is a man out there that is as humble and down to earth as he is, where art thou??


Christmas Vacation, Pretty Woman, Gone With The Wind, Blow, hmmmm...there are so many...Bad Boys II, The Notebook...Anything with my man MM in it of course...I would have to say I would pick a comedy over any other type of film. I like things that are pick me ups rather than a sappy love story or something sad but that is not to say I don't watch all of those too!


House, and yes I am one of the few who will admit American Idol when it is on, Sex and the City, Grey's Anatomy, and all the do it yourself shows (I like to think I am capable of remodeling anything on my own!)


We Are Their Heaven by Allison Dubois, All About should check it out...anything else I find the time to pick up is going to be something inspirational however I honestly don't spend a lot of time reading these days.


God, my Grandparents, my Mom, my Dad, brother, my niece Kristen, My life long best friend Sandy who knows what it means to be a true friend, and Mister Pup Daddy (he's my miniature Daschsund!)................................I just lost my hero on June 9th,2006, my Papol. I buried him on June 12th and had my 33rd birthday on June 13th. This was a monumental time in my life and a devasting experience that I will never forget. My hope is that throughout my life I could only be a shred of the person he was and hold an ounce of the determination and strength he had that made him the man everyone that knew him looked up to and loved so dearly. Here is to never forgetting your hero...

My Blog

Spontaneous Combustion

I am one who likes to live their life to its fullest.  All of my real friends know my motto is "You only live once" and with that being said...Here is how my day went... One of my best friends an...
Posted by Kristy on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 09:36:00 PST

There's a first time for everything

  here's to my first blog...
Posted by Kristy on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 06:06:00 PST