Flight attendants, we are formerly called sky girls, air hostesses, stewardesses and stewards are airline staff employed as attendants specifically to see to the well-being of the passengers. We are members of the cabin crew.Our role is based on similar positions on passenger ships or passenger trains, but has more direct involvement because of the confined quarters and often shorter travel times on aircraft. Flight attendants on board during a flight collectively form a "cabin crew," while pilots (in the cockpit) and technicians see to the technical aspects of the flight.The primary responsibility of a flight attendant is the safety of the passengers, and emergency preparedness. This is followed by the routine tasks of customer service, serving meals and drinks and accommodating the individual needs of passengers. These roles sometimes conflict, as when flight attendants must cut off alcoholic drinks for a passenger who has had too much, or to ask passengers to fasten seat belts, sit down, or otherwise follow safety procedures.