Don`t worry boud that..If you ain`t in Jawja Or Where Im At Rii Now..
..About.Me..-A-ge: [.16.]-B-irthday: [.Feb.18.1990.]-R-esiding: [.Lawton,OK.]-H-ometown: [.ATL,Ga.] * .Foundasz.oF.Crunk. *-S-ex: [.I ?Love? it.] & [.I`m Ay Female.]-R-ace: [.Blk&Lil'Whyte&German.] * [.Mostly.Blk.] *
Whateva I Download..Hack Me Hosz.
Why? We Ain`t going to the Movies Together
I don`t have time for the Idiot Box
What Makes U Think I Can Read ?!?!..
Why Would I Have More Than One Hero ?...Shouldn`t GOD be the Only one ?