$T-Mac$ profile picture



About Me

Yah wuz poppin this be ya boy T-Mac and i'm here to tell you a lil bit about me. I'm a nice person very easy to get along wit, i love to have fun where ever i go, i can be funny at times everyone likes to joke around, i'm a personal trainer for that need a workout holla at me i got you, but i'm gon stop it right there and want know more holla at cha boy. ONETHE EBONY SATISFIER What a day, thought Paula, as she sped down Marine Blvd. on her way to the bank, its just one thing after another! She knew that she was speeding, but what with the stop at the bank, grocery shopping, and a visit to the beauty parlor, she would be hard pressed to make her six oclock appointment with her husband. Drinks, dinner, and the opera, if she could just get through the day, she might enjoy the evening! She wheeled into the bank parking lot and practically ran through the front door and into the main lobby. For once there wasnt a line, so she went directly to the teller window and withdrew two hundred fifty dollars. Back in her car, she put the big Caddy in gear and headed off to the market, paying little attention to what was going on in the back seat behind her. As she fumbled with the cd player, her blood ran cold when she glanced into the rear view mirror and was stunned to see a young black male pointing a gun right at her head! Dont make a move bitch, or Ill give it to you right here, he said with a vicious snarl! Paula froze, struck with absolute terror, unable to take her eyes off the menacing presence behind her. She was brought back to reality when he barked, Watch the road you dumb cunt, youre gonna crack it up if ya dont pay attention! Paula jerked her eyes back to the road and tried desperately to think of a way out of this jam. Finally she offered, I have money, you can have it all, just get out, and leave me alone! He laughed a derisive harsh laugh, and spat, You rich bitches always think that money can buy you everything, well, bitch, this time it cant! W-where are you going to take me, she stammered, the cold hard facts now beginning to take shape in her mind? Just keep driving, Ill tell ya when to stop, he ordered, and just remember, I can take ya out any fucking time I like!!! They drove for about twenty minutes, with Paula following the directions her kidnapper gave to her. The neighborhoods were getting rougher and rougher, until finally they were in an area that Paula had never even seen before, let alone having walked through! Pull over right here, the young man ordered, and get out of the car! They had parked in front of and old abandoned building on a deserted dead end side street, a street that rarely if ever saw any police traffic. Even though her late model Caddy stuck out like a sore thumb in the dilapidated neighborhood, the chances of the cops accidentally running across it were slim indeed! With cat like quickness the young black man was out of the rear seat and right next to her when she exited the vehicle. Even though he wasnt particularly big, when he took her by the arm, she could feel real power in his firm hand. Practically dragging her, he lead her into the vacant building and took her to the second floor where he had set up the living room as his bedroom. There was a fireplace for heat, some old broken down furniture, and an old mattress over in the corner. Not very hospitable to say the least! He threw on to the bed and grabbed her purse, dumping the contents onto the floor. He opened her wallet and pocked the two fifty she had just withdrawn from the bank, and then slowly went through her credit cards. He looked up at her and said, So your names Paula, huh, aint nobody named Paula anymore, as he continued looking at the rest of her identification. While watching him go through her things, Paula finally began to settle down a bit, to the point that she asked him, You know my name, can you tell me yours? Her gave her a quizzical look, and the answered, Yeah, it wont do you no good any way, its Lemont, my names Lemont!Paula guessed that he must have been about twenty five or so, and if you were just looking at him, he wasnt bad looking at all! What impressed her the most about him, however, was his cat like reflexes, he seemed to move with an effortlessness that was truly amazing. When he was finished with her purse, he turned his attention back to her. Stand up and get over here, he ordered, all the time keeping his eyes glued to her body. She felt another chill go through her, only this one was sexual in nature, as she could feel his eyes looking right through her clothing. She was repulsed to be sure, but the sexual aura in the room could be cut with a knife. She definitely came from a white bread world, upper middle class, never deigning to mingle with the little people! The only sex she had ever had was with her lawyer husband, and they didnt exactly have the most passionate relationship in the world, in their twenty three years of marriage, it was normally sex with the lights off, and her hubby on top, so at forty two, you could say that she had lived a very sheltered life. Now she was standing in the middle of a dingy dirty room, with an obviously unstable young man who had just robbed and kidnapped her. To top it all off, she was pretty sure that he was going to rape her or worse, and for some strange reason she didnt feel terrified at all anymore.Lemont walked around her, giving her the once over as if she were a prime head of cattle and said, Not bad for and old white bitch, what you got hidden under that sweater cunt? It sounded like a rhetorical question, so Paula just stood there and said nothing. Out of nowhere the young man produced a switch blade knife and the snap of the blade locking into place filled the quiet room. Mama, he intoned, I aint gonna ask you to take it off again, brandishing the weapon in a threatening manner! Paula again felt the stab of fear in her belly, but she knew that if she resisted he would take her anyway, and probably hurt her in the process, so she slowly lifted the bulky cardigan over her shoulders and let it slide off her arms onto the floor. She tried to fold her arms over her bra, but Lemont grabbed her by the wrist and told her to leave them at her side. He then took his knife and slid it between her breasts and with a quick motion deftly cut her bra in half, causing her large chest to spill out of the d size cups. The cool air coupled with the sexual tension caused her pink nipples to harden and turn bumpy. Lemont cupped her tits and tweaked her nipples, which caused her to moan softly under her breath, which of course was not lost on the surly young thug. Ha ha ha, he laughed roughly, like gettin your tits felt up do you, well Im gonna do a lot more than that before Im through you!!! Now the rest of your things, off with them, now, he said in a hard edged voice! Paula unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off with one motion, taking her panties at the same time. Her neatly trimmed blonde bush was now exposed, allowing Lemont easy access to her private parts. He reached between her legs and roughly fingered her already aroused vagina, taking pains to make sure he got a few good hits on her erect clitoris. Paula had never been so humiliated or excited in her whole life! Her husband certainly never made her feel like a slut, and this young black boy was not only making her feel like a tramp, he had a way of making her enjoy it! It was obvious that he liked her body, and even though he was using crude street language to describe it, it still built up her ego to think that she could turn on a experienced street person like Lemont.Paula was pretty sure of what was going to happen next, but when Lemont pushed her to the floor in front of him, she wasnt sure she was up to the task at hand!!! He unbuckled his belt, and told Paula to take off his pants. With shaking hands, Paula took a hold on his trousers and tugged them down. What was left was a tight pair of purple bikini shorts, that appeared to have a large banana stuck down the front! Paula involuntarily reached out and caressed the bulge, unbelieving at the sheer size of it! Without being asked, she carefully pulled down his shorts, allowing the big pecker to spring out of its nylon prison. Paula usually only felt her husbands cock in the dark, but Lemonts organ was at least twice that size! Oral sex was never a part of her home sex life, but Paula couldnt resist the lure that the big cock had on her! She leaned forward and gingerly took the purple head into her mouth and thought, My god, its so smooth and soft, almost like velvet! She became more aggressive and moved the head in and out of her mouth, jerking the big shaft as she did it. Lemont gave her words of encouragement, and he continued to stand there, content to let the white cocksucker take care of him. Paula couldnt believe what she was doing! This was the first time she had ever sucked a cock, and she was finding out that it was the most exciting thing she had ever done sexually. In fact, the mere presence of the huge pecker in her mouth was making her vagina drool like a thirsty dog! She hoped he wouldnt care, but Paula had reached down and was furiously fingering her slit with her free hand. Seeing how turned on she had become, Lemont could feel his nut sack tightening, which was precursor to his climax. Paula sensed it too, and all at once felt the urge to suck all of the cum out of this magnificent organ. Her hand became a blur on his shaft, flying up and down at an incredible rate of speed. This speed was only matched by the fingers on her other hand that were busy finger fucking her hot slit! The first blast of cum that hit the back of Paulas throat caused her pussy to contract and send an orgasm ripping through her loins. Her mouth was being flooded with hot cum, and that only drove Paula into a higher sexual frenzy!It was getting dark outside, and her husband would now start looking for her, although calling the police might not be on the agenda quite yet. She and Lemont lay on the bed, with a battery powered lantern lighting up the room. Paula caressed Lemonts cock, gazing at it with awe and wonder, never in her life having she been so taken by anyone or anything! To her it seemed to contain super natural sexual powers that made her feel like she was a slave to its overwhelming presence! The big cock was now again completely engorged and ready to go, even though only a few minutes earlier it had emptied a huge load into her willing mouth! Lemont gently stroked her hair, and then said, Okay baby, climb on and ride daddy!!! With shaky legs, Paula straddled him and let Lemont guide his meat into her waiting cunt. Once the head was in, she slowly rocked back and forth, driving the thick ebony satisfier deep into her tight pussy. When all nine inches were buried to the hilt, Paula sat up and wiggled her ass, making the big penis go in even deeper. She felt totally filled up, for the first time in her life she knew what it was like to be taken by a real man! It felt wonderful to be filled up, but what Paula wanted now was to be jammed, and jammed hard, so she leaned forward and lay her chest on Lemonts and whispered in his ear, Give it to me hard, please fuck me!!! Without saying a word, Lemonts hips began moving up and down, driving his penis in and out of the helpless pussy. Oh my god, groaned Paula, fuck me harder, she begged, experiencing the first real fucking of her entire life! Lemonts cock was now ripping in and out of Paula with abandoned viciousness. He rolled over, putting her on the bottom, and then continued his merciless assault on her blonde vagina! Paula wrapped her leggs around his back, trying desperately to hold on to her black fucking stud boy! She didnt think it would be possible to cum as hard as she had earlier, but as the first waves washed over her, she experienced and even harder climax! Her cunt was being battered by this black over sized monster, but it was inducing the most incredible orgasm she had ever had in her life!While they lay in each others arms, in a post coital euphoria, Paula kissed Lemont on the cheek and informed him she had to leave. He started to protest, but Paula explained that so far she could explain away her absence and nobody would get hurt or in trouble, but if she stayed much longer, the police would surely be involved, and then, well, he could go to prison if they caught him. He nodded his head and told her to go ahead and get dressed. When she was ready to go, he offered her the two hundred fifty dollars he had taken from her that morning. She laughed and said, Keep it Lemont, that last fuck alone was worth two hundred and fifty bucks!!!THE ENDtable, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;} body { background-color:000000; background-image:url("http://c.myspace.com/Groups/00013/98/9 0/13470989_l.jpg"); background-attachment: fixed; background-position:top left; background-repeat:no-repeat; border-color:0c0000; border-width:5px ; border-style: solid; scrollbar-face-color:0c0000; scrollbar-highlight-color:0c0000; scrollbar-3dlight-color:000000; scrollbar-shadow-color:000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:000000; scrollbar-arrow-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-track-color:FFFFFF;.r{} table, tr, td {background:transparent; border:0px;} table table table {background:transparent;} table table table td { background-color: 1a1a1a ;padding: 2px; filter:alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity:100; opacity:100; -khtml-opacity:100; } table table table table td {;filter:none;} table table table { border-width:0px; border-color:000000; 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border-style:dashed; display:block; width:100%;}.contactTable {width:300px!important; height:150px!important; padding:0px!important;; !important; background-image:url("http://c.myspace.com/Groups/00013/31/3 1/13471313_l.gif");background-attachment:scroll; background-position:center center; background-repeat:no-repeat} .contactTable table, table.contactTable td {padding:0px !important; border:0px!important; background-color:transparent; background-image:none;} .contactTable a img {visibility:hidden; border:0px!important;} .contactTable a {display:block; height:28px; width:115px;} .contactTable .text {font-size:1px!important;} .contactTable .text, .contactTable a, .contactTable img {filter:none!important;} a .text { font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }body, html {visibility:visible !important; display:block !important} I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
.pimpmyspace.org/back/9d3a70d76538002ec2230293b57db2ac.jpg); } Myspace Backgrounds life, soRead Each One Carefully and Think About It a Second or Two1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you..2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.4.. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you! least expect them to.REMEMBER: WHATEVER HAPPENS, HAPPENS FOR A REASON.

My Interests

sports, females, i want to go to college one day hopefully after high school, and i want to meet new people

I'd like to meet:

People that keep it real i don't like fake people that think they go hard or somethinWhat cuss words mean Body: Body: Body: Little Billy walks in on his parents argueing.The mom calls the husband a "bastard"and then the dad calls the wife a "bitch"and billy goes to his mom and says "mom what's a bitch and a bastard?"and the mom says "well, a bitch is a lady and a bastard is a gentlemen"and then later billy goes outside and hears his neighbors, and hears "Put your penis in my vagina!"So Billy goes to his mom and says "mom whats a penis and vagina?"His moms says "Well Billy, a penis is a hat and a vagina is a coat"and then later billy sees his dad shaving and cuts himself and says "Shit"and billy said "Dad, whats shit"And then his dad says "Well billy, Shit is a type of Shaving cream "and then billy goes to see his mom cutting the turkey and his mom cuts her finger and says "fuck!"and then billy says to his mom"Mom whats fuck?""Well billy fuck is a way cutting the turkey"and Then later the guests arrive and billy goes to them and says"Hello bitchs and bastards, may i take your penis's and vaginas, my dad's upstairs wipeing the shit off his face, and my mom is fucking the Turkey"Post This1 hour- You'll have bad sex20 min - Your crush will kiss you15min - Your crush will tongue you5-10 min - Your crush will ask you outunder 2 min - You will stay with your crush forever repost this as what cuss words really mean


rap, gospel, r&b, reggae, reggaeton, hip hop
Music Video Provided by VIDEOCODEARENA.COM

Hi5 Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com


scarface, love and basketball, soulfood


106 & park, wrestlin, other shows to but i don't feel like namin them I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


i don't have one yet


my parents they been holdin it down for almost 40 years now and of my lord jesus christ