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(: welcome :) enjoy some of the artist's most treasured classics
Award-winning paintings, exclusive commissions, personal favourites, charity works, selections from collections
.. Skillfully combining field, form and line, Victor Angelo originates a spatially enigmatic region
which permits him vast painterly areas to explore. His canvases vary from modest to
grand scale, making color, form and texture simultaneously central in the viewer's focus.
The works possess ample energy and sentiment while covering new territory in modern art.
these three are designed to be played at the same time

Victor Angelo paints luxurious fields of vibrant colour therapeutic to the viewer
select comments
Victor Angelo thank you for sharing your fabulous artwork. The love of your work has become contagious not just because you are able to produce phenomenal work as an artistic master but also because you can just sense the passion that you have through your pieces of work. You are definitely a success! Inspiring!
Для меня абстракция не отрицает, а наоборот, питает реализм. Придает краскам и образам свежесть, свободу и невесомость. Виктор... я СЛЫШУ воздух, смотря на твои картины, ощущяя их собственную жизнь. Они полны тайн, загадок, несут чувство безудержного оптимизма, заставляют задуматься о двумирности нашего существования. Мое наслаждение неописуемо безгранично. Твое творчество никого не оставит равнодушным.
My dreams were about your art. I look back on what you did in school. I have artwork by you from then. Your drawings always had heartfelt emotion and showed talent. In your artwork now I see so much brilliance and light and happiness emerging from shadows it hits me as real because I know your background. I'm proud of what you have done and the emotional effect it has on people.
oye me encanta tu creatividad y toda esa energia q plasmas en tu trabajo, la manera en como utilizas los colores, esa magia artistica que tienes y bueno q te puedo decir quede impresionada. aqui si estas mejor tu q tu arte, que ojos, que boca, que guapo estas, la verdad q bien estas mijo. ese cuadro me encanta. sigue asi, saludos.
Every time i look at them i have a sense of calmness and it brings a smile to my face. Art rarely does that for me. I've visited many art museums and not many move me. But yours do.
me gusta mucho tu estilo en el arte, de verdad es muy interesante tu forma de pintar ademas de las tomas que tienes de tus obras, wow!!!!! cuidate mucho y saludos :) espero mandes avisos o algo x el estilo de tus nuevas obras o si no de paso esatre visitando seguido tu hi5, que bello trabajo, esta esta mejor, ademas esta combiancion de colores me encanta, junto con otra que es la gama de morados y naranja y rosa, wow!!!!
Привет! Hi Victor! You are so sweet! I am suprised to see all these beautiful paintings! Super! I wonder how someone could possibly be so talented (I am talking about you Victor!) I live in Vorkuta and it is in the very north of Russia and it is extremely cold! When it is winter you see only white snow and that is all! And when I see your art I can feel it become warm in my soul! Thank you! I am sure you are not just talented artist you are also very nice person Victor! Большого вдохновения тебе!!!
All of your art is just amazing. I love looking at it all. Keep up the great work. More beauty needs to be spread around this world and you're helping to do that.
Tus pinturas son ante todo impactantes, es imposible mantenerse indiferente antes ellas, enhorabuena!
Wow! i really love your work, it is so awesome. it looks as though is is something that is so simple but so complex, but very meaningful at the same time. I love it. I give you props on what you do, and you have come a long ways with your work. It is beautiful.
Es para mí un gusto conocerte. Estan muy bonitas las fotos demuestras mucho arte y talento, que interesante y encantador eres. Que hermoso que pintas, excelente. Por lo que veo eres una persona que le encanta la naturaleza. Sigue asi por siempre.
Victor Angelo your work is absolutely amazing. You are such an inspiration to me. It makes me happy to see someone who does something amazing that you actually love to do. I would love a chance to own a piece of your work and meet you.
Pour être sincère je dois avouer que je n'aime pas l'art contemporain mais quand il y a un vrai univers artistique autour, quand le travail est teinté de passion et de style personnel cet art me paraît beaucoup plus ouvert et du coup très intéressant, c'est votre cas, bravo et bonne continuation... Tessa
All of your pieces speak to me. You are very talented and i love to see what new things you always come up with. Thank you for sharing your talents. All of your work is multi- emotional for me. You are very talented and know how to show it in everything you do. Anastacia Raquel
Hola bello!! realmente eres un ángel... en tus ojos puedo ver la sensibilidad que hay dentro de ti y que plasmas maravillosamente en tu trabajo. Muy hermoso lo que haces, eres realmente maravilloso, que bueno poder encontrarme con esta buena energía tuya por estos caminos de la vida... Amo los colores de la vidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Mil besos Osiris
Oh my god, I love your work, wow you are a great artist, amazing. I really love the colors you use, how you mix it, and my favorites are: Kingdom (wow! is spectacular), Apple, Inhale, Angel, Dusk (really beautiful), Bleu (I love it), Mantle, Dessert, Skate (excellent), Count, Triptych (is it made with glass?, beautiful, amazing, wow), Focus (wow!) Violet (pretty), WORK (this is my number one favorite with Kingdom), and Nightfall. You are really impressive...woooow! I can't believe that is your work... I added you as my favorite, because you blow my mind... My very very best wishes to you honey, really is an honor to be your friend. Kisses, Radhzell
The beauty in your works is so divine. It is as if your hands are being guided by angels.
Your work gives me such a sense of peace and calm, while at the same time inspiring and awakening me. Absolutely incredible, and I look forward to seeing more of you.
hola q tal me gusta esta foto y se ve que eres original con tus cosas eso me gusta y me caes bien me gustaron todas tus fotos en especiale esta de verdad erees creativo y original eso es bueno y muy lindo ;) besos y saludos...
Wauw Victor! Vibrant , lively, joyous work! Music, colour, shape, it must be great to live your creative forces. The world enjoys you! LOVE Eliane
hola victor lindisimas esas fotografias, lindisimas esas pinturas que lindo arte que dios bendiga tus manos y pues vos estas lindisismo el modelo esta super jajaja un beso bay
Victor your work is amazing. You will be remembered as one of the greatest artists of all time.
Victor, I have been looking at your works and all I have to say is "MASTERFUL". You have been blessed and you're using your talent well. Thank you for adding so much beauty to this world. We need it! Connie
Sai sentire molto il tuo fuoco interiore.... C'è molta luce nel tuo cuore... ho aprezzato i tuoi bellissimi lavori, si sente il tuo entusiasmo per la vita.... Un abbraccio Yvana.
Your artwork is amazing - there are no words - just breathtaking. Thank you Victor for BEing. Joy and Love radiate from both you and your creations. Love, Tricia
"Prism" since I am a fan of fractal geometry and "Prism" has that feel to it for me. "Broom" is also brilliant, because it almost has this textural element to it -- I feel as if I were to run my hand over the work, I would actually feel the different textures of wood, ribbon, etc. From another perspective, I like the fact that "Broom" represents several key elements in metaphysics to me: air, fire, earth and water.
It is very obvious how incredibly talented you are Victor. I am so impressed and truly admire your skill. It really is a gift. I truly value people like you in today's society, those who are interesting, diverse, have something substantial to offer to the world. I hope you love what you do. Your creations are amazing!!!!! Thank you!
when my parents wanted to take me to attend one of your exhibitions i was hesitant at first, art shows are usually so boring. but i was really excited to see your paintings, their energy, the sheer passion in your work really blew me away.
Hi Victor, Your art has touched me. I feel like you get deep into yourself, all the different parts of the "core" of you, and you put it out through your mediums. I think that this core connects intensely with others as well, and it's allowing others to see this part of themselves, even if for the first time. Thank you for spreading your light. I really appreciate your work. Its beauty reflects ours. Warmth, leah
WOW xx your art work is amazing, truly amazing, i love them! Your use of colour is brilliant, your paintings have so much vibrance and they have so much texture, theyre like the type of paintings which make me just want to run my hands all over them, sounds a bit weird huh, theyre just soo good!! and wow! and you play drums and your amazing at art, i think your my new best friend :P and i think i <3 <3 <3 you!!!
I'm loving your work...It's so vibrant and captivating! What "moment in time" made you create your style and technique of art? Were you crazily mixing medias one day? Did you gaze upon some swimming Jellyfish? Were you break dancing? Did it come from a dream? How did you come to evolve into your own technique and style? Well Victor Angelo I wish you all the best with your artwork...you don't have to respond to this but I just wanted to let you know that you got another Victor Angelo art fan!!!! Woohoo! Have a Grrrreat Day Chico!
Your artwork inspires me. I hope you do not feel used. I look at your pieces and feel hope for the world. If there is all that beauty in just one soul, surely we could all look beyond our differences and see the beauty that lies in every soul. That is what art means to me. You are able to put it on canvas, and other brilliant mediums. Your use of color absorbs me into your paintings. Like your paint, my eyes love to swim on your canvas. Thank you for your gifts. You are very, very talented.
Your work - each and every piece - is truly one of a kind. It's "fresh" and original. It's full of life and mystery. And most importantly, it leaves your eyes in a constant motion looking the piece from one corner to the other. I can't even begin to imagine how much work and effort went into each piece and how many hours you must have sat learning all the amazing techniques that are in your pieces. You are in my eyes a true artist and that should be celebrated on so many levels. Congratulations on your amount of success! And to many more years of achievement and victory.
You really seem to have this amazingly bright view of the world in the magical colours that you place on display for the world to see. Maybe it is time to feel inspired. Thanks for brightening my day, daily, as I tend to look at the site at least once a day. You and your work are truly beautiful. Because only a good soul could produce such beauty.
Words cannot do justice to the beauty, elegence, and inspiration drawn from your work...ALL of your work...God has blessed you immensely with such a talent and you are so generous as to share it with the rest of the world! Thank you so much! May you continue with your fantastic abilities to bring light and color to a too often cold and dark world! God bless! (^_^)
I love to visit your site regularly and look at your artwork All your work is so wonderful and the colours are amazing - you put colours together like no one else can. It makes me so happy that you have such a fantastic gift to share with everyone.
Wow. You are a miracle put on Earth. What a gift you have. You're very special and talented like no one else I have ever seen. I would love to come down to your exhibition.
Nice to meet the colors' master himself! You reveal us a new connection between matter, colour and transparency. Beautiful, amazing, inspiring, Simply brilliant!
When I feel down I go look at your art, your works, all of them, especially this are so beautiful its like a picture from paradise!! You have the greatest gift I have ever seen and never has a painting filled me with such harmony.
¡Hola Victor! Me visto tus creaciones y me han parecido IMPRESIONANTES. Me parece increible que con lo joven que eres, las obras tan bonitas que haces. Sigue así, haciendo cosas tan bonitas. Te mando un beso desde Asturias. Alba.
incredibly gorgeous!!!!! oh...actually wanted to say something about the paintings ;) the colours and the mood they convey ....LOVE IT!! you really bring colour to life!! AMAZING
Un homme devrait entendre une peu de musique, a lu une peu de poésie, et voit une image fine chaque jour de sa vie, pour que les mondains ne puissent pas effacer le sens du beau que Dieu a implanté dans l'âme humaine.
I don't know if i can say in words, but what you are doing is amazing. I have to say I've never seen so much colours and so much fun in it.
Truths, within consciousness, are those elements which are constant within all dimensions. Color is one, tone is another. Thank you for sharing such "truth" with us, in a time when truth seems so rare.
I'm down on my knees...your art is not just "beautiful to see"..it's something else.. an explosion of colour and it gave me shivers. I paint too,I know how it feels when you're in front of a white canvas, but I still wonder, How can you do that??? it's a real gift...
I love your work. I cannot take my eyes off it. I am so glad you added pic codes, because I added a couple of the paintings to my page. Your work is beautiful...
Your art it absolutely incredible and vibrant. That is what i like about it most. It's bold and commanding but not in an intrusive way.
Este es de los trabajos que he visto mi favorito. Me gustaria saber si yo quisiera comprar alguna de tus obras como haría?...solo mirarlo me trae paz...y a la vez melancolía..
wow how can u even let go of them? don't u ever miss the originals? tho maybe the money helps with that emptiness. lol. i love all the colors that u use when u paint. ur paintings are so vibrant.
Your client has very good taste and collecting your art is definitley a good investment. I love this painting!
Art and music are so intrinsically connected, each color having a unique vibration, creating a symphony on canvas. You are a maestro composer.

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.. As always your work is an inspiration. It makes me want to make something beautiful out of my life. I wish I had a way to let people see what lies within my soul. If your art is any depiction of what is inside you, you must have a very lovely, beautiful soul. Keep up the fantastic work. With all of the ugly things clouding the news, now is a time when inspiration is appreciated.

It's as if the color explodes from afar. However, the brighter painting gives life, and vibrance. The color seems to be imploding. It's an interesting concept that your imagination paints such different perceptions of color. I am a huge fan of the depth that all of your paintings seem to portray.

your art work is beautiful and unique. everyone's is different and shows who they are and how they feel... but there is something about your work that I really can feel and relate to in a way. its beautiful, and I hope that you have fun with each one that you make ^_^

i look at you and your artwork and think..."wow." keep in mind that i'm not one to be easily wowed. i love how your thought and creativity is expressed through your art. i can only wonder how you come up with your beautiful ideas and what your inspirations are.

Hi Victor, I love art very much and do some painting myself, I studied art and design, but I wish so much that I could have talent like yours. YOur paintings are so unique and beautiful, you are very fortunate. I wish I could do painting as a career like you do, instead of being stuck in a boring office. I admire any artist who does very well, as I know how hard that would be. Keep up the beautiful work. Pamela - Australia

I just wanted to comment on your art, not just because it's blindingly beautiful, but because it touches my heart and soul with a gentle happiness... It's inspirational in a way... I appreciate great artists like yourself... Keep up the amazing work, I am definitely one of your fans... <33333

I love it when you send me artwork on my comments...it lets me share your rockin artwork with my friends and they get to see something beautiful...plus it make me feel special...lol...keep up the gorgeous artwork and I hope you always find inspiration and passion and that spot in your heart where this beauty comes from so you can continue to amaze the world with it...

Thank you for sharing your artwork with me. I love it! It's so vibrant and cheerful! You are very talented. My favorite painting is the blue and green one. I also love the giant apple piece.

Your artwork is...amazing! My jaw dropped when I saw those beautiful paintings. You have been given a gift from God and you should keep up the great work. Remember to thank God what He has given you and cherish it forever.

Your art is unbelieveable. I love that it is so bright and beautiful. It just makes my day so much better when I sign in and see your paintings. :-)

Your artwork is amazing! The colors are simply goregous. I love your stuff. You are a truly talented individual, and I haven't seen artwork this perfect in a long time! Keep up the amazing work!

Your work is just amazingly beautiful. Thank you for giving the public a chance to gaze at and adore such magnificent work.

Your art is so amazing! It's so unique! I love it, I wish I had something like that to keep where I could see all the time, it would make me smile, as beautiful and colorful as your art is!

wow! every detail is perfect! right down to the fact that you are gorgeous, artistic, and you seem really fun! looking at you and your work makes me so happy! i hope that for your entire life you continue to create. you have something that should not be wasted. knowing that your art is in the same vicinity as dale chihuly's blows my mind. you have GOT IT! i hope to talk to you more...you intrigue me more than anyone i have ever met!
sheena was here!

I love your work. I would like to have picked a favorite but they all are so amazing in their own ways. You have such wonderful talent that is very admirable.

I am truly taken back with awe. Experiencing your works is like going to heaven and being at peace.

your art work looks even more breathtaking in person. it evokes so many emotions. i think what makes your art even better is that you are just as nice and down to earth.

Victor: Wow. I'm humbled by your use of color!!! I only /thought/ I was semi-gifted in graphic art, but you, my friend, are truly gifted. Your use of color is the most impressive I've seen this century. Kudos! If you ever want "exposure" for a piece, I'd be happy to host it in my journal as a banner (with your name enscribed, naturally). Terri :>

I absolutely love what you do. I paint myself as well and i would like to say along with everyone else, your talent is beyond this world. You've got a great gift and your using it. It's great to see people like you still using what God gave them. It's awesome and I applaud you for your work.

i have just added you and i think your paintings are amazing. the way you use colour is incredible its the first time ive ever seen them. i love them and am a big fan already!

You have the most amazing art work I have ever seen. You are extremely talented...

your art inspires life, hope, and beauty. it soothes the eyes and calms my soul. keep up your amazing work. you are terrific!

my mother is a curator and of all the art shows and museum openings and exhibitions i have seen, your artwork is the most moving and creative.

Victor, your paintings ALWAYS make me feel cheerful whenever I stop by. Thank you! Keep up the awesome work!

i love your work... it's soooo beautiful!!!
the world needs this ~ so keep producing .. please!

Wow. Thank you for the beauty you bring to the world.

You have the most beautifully intense eyes Victor Angelo.

Wow...I really like your artwork. you are a genius! And really cute, too.

wow! you're amazing! i love your intense understanding of color! rock on!

Wow, you are amazingly talented. Thank you for letting me experience your work. May God bless you and bless others through your art.

Oh my god! Your paintings are BEAUTIFUL! I absolutely love them. I have never seen anything like this before. You are a genius!

Your work is astonishing and breathtaking. The colors bring back childhood to me and yet your work is so sophisticated. You are a true artist.

I'm re-decorating my house and would love to have some of your work in it. You are very talented. THE BEST I'VE EVER SEEN.

thanks for putting your insides OUT for the rest of us to see. you are a great addition to the universe.

Tu mundo es realmente incredible y majico y no se que decir mas!! solo mucho gusto conocerte, tu y tu arte y tal vez algun dia; la suerte ver tu mundo en la realidad!! muchos besos de Francia!!

I don't usually add people unless I know them, But I added you because your works are so beyond beautiful. I seriously have not seen artwork like this anywhere. You're so creative I wish I had a couple million dollars so I could hire you to decorate my entire house, no.. my entire everything!!! =) thanks for making the world a gorgeous place!!!

Out of all the art I have seen... yours seems to move me...The color and textures are one of a kind and seem to express something...It's like I can learn about you through it... sensational...

Wow I come to your site a lot and each time I love the art even more! I hope I get to meet you some day because you're inspiring!!

wow... your artwork leaves me speechless...it is so beautiful and awe inspiring. May God keep inspiring you!!

I would totally purchase your art. I love how the colors POP off the canvas! You are very talented, and very beautiful.

simply amazing! the patience you have and your eye for detail astonishes me. i'm incredibly impressed with your work. your artwork is a wonderful escape from real life. it allows the viewer to embark into their imagination.

I can't get over how talented you are. I love your style. These pieces are amazing and beautiful.

Wow...I'm sure you know by now but....your work is amazing! Anytime I need to feel refreshed, I simply browse your myspace...cause your work is awesome!

by looking at your artwork i can tell you bring a lot of happiness to all those who have a piece of it...the colors just make you feel like the sun is hitting you. It is beautiful...absolutely breathtaking!!!!!!!

your work is amazing! beyond amazing! i rarely see anything so beautiful. i think i love you!!! you're wonderful :)

Hi Victor Angelo! You are very cute, inspiring, and I simply LOVE your ARTWORK!

wow you are adorable and the best artist i have ever seen

wow you are amazing!!!!!!! you are beautiful and creative!!! that's way rad!!!! i love your paintings they have so much feeling!!!!

You capture optimism, warmth and vitality...if only everyone could view the world through these colored lenses....

Are you like the real Victor Angelo? If so, I'm flattered that you are in my list!!!! I love your art!!!

i am so undeniably in love with you and your art work <3

You grace the world with your creativity. The passion of your beautiful soul, shows in each masterpiece...

you know what your paintings mean... well i can see in your paintings that you are pure and honest... you can tell a lot from a painting...

Your atwork is amazing! Some of the most raw emotion I have yet to encounter, your vision is truly beautiful!

You touched my sons heart and mine as well with your beautiful poetic colors.

I was just stopping by to admire your artwork. It really is truly amazing and is really inspiring to others who enjoy art also. Every now and then I come to your page to see what new artwork you have up. It seems your becoming big with your modern art .. keep it up Victor. You have true talent.

Oh my goodness. I love your work. It is outstanding. I love pieces that are great in size and that much greater in personal movement. You are my new inspiration.

Your paintings are so beautiful with colors and figures to lift the soul into a peaceful place.

nice. but i have one thing to say: i'd so want you to paint my room. it would be love. hehe. <333

I love the purple and blue one at the top its.... WOW i dont even know what to say. Its awesome, its my favorite one. I would love to see more of your work..... i need something like that one for my new home, it's awesome......

You must have so much love and passion to be able to create images that beautiful. You are truly blessed and I hope your surrounded by the warm colors of your creations.

i have been admiring your art for quite some time now, i think what you do with colors is absolutely phenomenal. never thought i would come in any kind of contact with you via myspace...i am honored. the way your art is expressed on canvas is absolutely moving. my mom loves your work as well.

When I saw this page I just couldn't believe it. Very BEAUTIFUL work. This was truly beautiful. Gina

Amazing! Your work is incredible Do you ever think about when you first started and you thought you wouldnt make it...well, all the hard work paid off...great job!

I looove your artwork!!! Your paintings are beautiful and I tell everyone I know to check them out! You are pure genius! Keep up the great work! Melissa

Your art is inspiring. But you don't need me to tell you that, you have everybody telling you how amazing you are.

Victor's beautiful soul is expressed through his art. I can see his heart is good.

I can't say that I have ever seen more beautiful artwork.You are truly amazing.

your work is AMAZING!! you are gorgeous too!! :)

Wow...very awesome stuff...I'm speechless. I'm sure you get that a lot. But your colors are beautiful =)

I just have to say that your work is absolutely beautiful... if I had the opportunity and the materials, I would love to create beautiful masterpieces..your work is spectacular. The colors seem to represent moods.

I Love your work with colors... I can see how it can really brighten up a room!

wow im a art major in my school and i must say how much i admire your work. they are truly beautiful pieces ^.^

Alot of it has a fiery and ambitious feel to it. your works have a signature.

your work is awesome! i wish i had creative talent. and you are so handsome. you are just great all around!!

beauty is perfected through your brush. your soul speaks with such colorful words that are too powerful to be spoken. to see is enough to bring light to the darkest corners of nothingness.

Bravo!!! Bravo!!! Hats off to you!!! Indeed, masterpieces!!! Carry on!!!

It reminds me of so many different things! I love your artwork, it's amazing!

your work is really uplifting. it's like you've got the seasons in your fingertips.

Such a well-known artist, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your myspace, I am so flattered to be in it. Your work is truly amazing and there are so many. I'm not sure that I have what it takes to make it as an artist, but you are truly an inspiration... ..

your art just blows my mind ... maybe it sounds cheesy, but for me it is like another world ... where I want to live ... sooo dreamy

I'm proud to add you to my friends list.. your paintings are gorgeous!!

i love the artwork....u can tell you had something on ur mind by the way the colors blend so beautifully...i don't think i've looked at anything soo peaceful before next to the beaches of hawaii, and the starlit sky at night...

i like how the motion of it is inviting, also like how the colors are so invigorating and calming at the same time.... your pictures make me happy and excited at the same time!

Your works are absolutely gorgeous! OUTSTANDING! You are beyond gifted/talented. I have never seen so much life and hapiness...it makes me feel very light all over!

Your work is absolutley amazing!! I just love the deep red ones and the angel. Breathtaking!! May the inspiration to create stay alive in you forever!!

your art is like nothing i've seen before. I love the colors you pic, you really have the eye for the job. Congrats on all your achevements, i know you will go far.

I love the colors you use for your art. It's very calming and joyful. Well, that's the emotions I think of when I view them.

I love getting a comment from you with your beautiful work makes my page that much nicer. Continue the great work it's amazing<3

you sincerely have an amazing gift. your talent has already made you go very far.

Simply beautiful <3 your artwork is divine!

Wow... God has truly blessed you! He has also blessed this world with your artwork!

i love so much the art, the paints make me cry sometimes T_T so emotional to me: the colors and the feelings the artist puts into them. my favorite artists are: Van Gogh, Jackson Pollock, Victor Angelo.

Hey Victor, thanks again for having us over, it was really nice of you :) It was really fun and I am fascinated by your artwork! Seeing them in person made a difference, so much work put into each piece.

Wow...that's is one word that describes your work and truly amazing! I go to art school and I've never seen anything like your work...I love it!

hey ur art makes me want to f*** u heheh. it is so hot when a man can make good art. that means u also do something else good too wink wink

OMG!!!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the wonderful paintings you have done they are just beautiful!!!!

Victor Angelo of course!!! And again....the painting....IS BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE IT!!! You are a genuis! Pure prodigy. Keep painting, I am a BIG fan!

Wow you are amazingly talented and your art work is fantastic!

Dios te bendiga y a tus marivillosas manos que convierten el color en un espetaculo...tienes un el don de ponerle vida a lo q tocas...jejeje...exitos!!!...cuidate...besos!!!!

thanks for showing me your paintings! they are all very beautiful and unique. i like the detail in the ones i saw. i wish i could be as talented as you =)

WOW!! Your art is great. Colorful and all. How can I order a piece or when can you come and give my house a makeover?! Great work!! ~Hannah~

Your work is definitely unique and brings outside the box thinking to a new level.

I love your artwork...I think the colors are awesome very colorful and bright...keep the artwok rocking!!! ;)

OMG....That is amazing. How much would you take for it? I want it. Victor, I swear, most of your work is like pictures from within my soul. I feel so connected to your work. Crystal

i was looking at your artwork again and it is just beautiful. i think next time u have one of those events that u do in the city i might just go. ps..wanna redecorate my place?

I'm very impressed by your profile. Keep up the good work, I'm sure that you'll go beyond anything and everything you expect of yourself.

I really do love your artwork. Bright colors and abstract designs attract the attention, yet each painting can have a different meaning depending on the person viewing the work. You've something in common with Van Gogh and Monet. I hope you go as far as them, with your name on the tip of the world's tongue.

i was looking through all of your art and it is very interesting in a great way...the colors, the brillance, you just look at it and it stimulates your mind.... you have such a wonderful beautiful talent. in the background on my main picture you will notice that the flowers are very similiar to your many pieces, which is astounding how someone could easily just put it down and duplicate something so beautiful, you are blessed.

i LOVE this painting. all the starbursts remind me of those little fairies that you blow in the air as you make a wish. it symbolizes hope in my opinion. with as many as are in the painting though, it's almost as if its a blessing to be in its presence.

Your art work is simply fabulous; very unique. I am intrigued :) God has not only sent his only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins so that we can have everlasting life if we choose to believe on him and ask for forgiveness, but has blessed us with gifts as well, and I think it's great that you are using the gift that God has given you to the fullest. You will be in my prayers:)

I absolutely adore your art! It's so magnificent, I would love to have your talent! Keep the painting up - you would leave people in sadness if you ever quit ;)

First off I'd like to thank you for the comment. Secondly I'd like to say that your art work is wonderful and I'd love to see some of it in person. And lastly you're very cute. -Katie

I really love your painting they are all full of color and to me it seems like you can get lost in a painting. I wish you even more sucess and more painting. Don't ever stop working at your dream.

i love seeing your paintings, they are amazing ! i wish i could have that talent, and im glad that there is a Victor Angelo in this sometimes colorless world. keep up the awesome work!

Wow, your artwork is amazing! And you got published magazine articles with your paintings, snowboards and everything. Quite impressive. I hope to have some artwork like that displayed in my future mansion. Just beautiful!

When I open my first spa you can make something pretty for me! Your paintings are just what I'm looking for! Keep up the great work!

there is a kind of a marvelous beauty and passion in your colors. i think it's fair enough to say that we are all impressed or surprised because we can compare your paintings to the world of today which is kind of dark. your art is like a sun that we would like to look at all the time without being afraid of burning our eyes.

I'd like to buy one or two of your beautiful paintings and showcase them in my own house.

Wow this is some of the finest art i've ever seen, i really love it =) you paintings are phenomenal. i can't believe how talented and skilled you are. every single piece of art i see is gorgeous. keep up the outstanding work. it's completely breathtaking. <3 Jacqui

You see so much beauty in nature and in so much color. It's absolutely amazing. You show so much expression and eloquence in your paintings, it's absolutely stunning! I love it! You have been blessed with a wonderful gift to paint. Don't ever change :)

Wow, your art is really different from anything I've seen before.

Your work is amazing.... unique, captivating, expressive....

La tua arte comunica molto...ogni pennellata; piena di energia...tutti i quadri sembrano essere lente dell'inconscio...complimenti..bravissimo!!!

great site....you have amazing talent and incredible artwork!!!

Your artwork is so vivid and full of life. Your beautiful pictures bring me to a better place. Keep the passion going.

Your art is absolutely amazing, I love looking at all of your pictures. =)

great artwork! if you need a muse, i'm pretty much perfect for the job ;)

w0w...unbelievable...full of life & color...i wouldn't call it art i would call it beauty...you are amazing...

I have to tell you that your work is spectacular...truly amazing!!!! From the colors to the shapes and objects. I haven't seen anything I don't like by you!!! You have a true talent!!!

I Love your use of color and design. Your work has a very inspiring emotional quality.

victor angelo. very talented, beautifully magnificent, and handsomely charming...his work is what dreams are made of.

I am amazed and have been researching about your art work. You've done an amazing job, very beautiful work.

Your work makes me really happy. I don't know what you were feeling when you painted this but it cheered me right up. :]

Your art work is amazing. I usually don't like modern art that much but one of your pieces practically made me cry it was so beautiful.

wow!! prettiest art ever!! Im not an art person... but this stuff is way neat!

well the first thing that came to mind when i saw your painting was thousands of leaves falling from trees, but you can't see the trees you assume they're there. anyways, yet another masterpiece and i urge you to keep up the superb work victor angelo! i love it!

Beautiful, unusual, gorgeous, genius and handsome.

i just wanted to say i'm a big fan of your art work! keep up the great work.

The art is BEAUTIFUL and I appreciate being able to experience a piece of your joy.

your art work is amazing. all the work that you have is very beautiful. you are a very gifted artist!!!

I love your art work. Keep doing what you're doing. Your work is calming and really hit the soul.

You are a visual art genius, your use of color and form are exquisite. Your works are eye candy for the soul. I love it! You are my new favorite artist! Lots of love!

Victor Angelo your work is very, very beautiful. May God bless your artistic hands.

W-O-W! Breath taking work...speechless for words! I'm very honored to be your friend! And appreciate your work as well...much love to you always!

Your art is soo cool. Your hands make you a special artist that cannot be copied and duplicated. I love your work.

Wow - You are amazingly talented. I am blown away... I love your page, great pictures by the way.

What joy you bring to those who experience your work! Thank you for sharing your talents!

I gotta say your work is great i've never seen anything like it before.


you are the god of art. believe me. your works of art belong in heaven!

Your artwork blows me completely away every time.

your artwork truly speaks to generations.

whenever i need inspiration, your site/artwork is the one i go to. Your art is very positive!

I just want to say that I absolutely ADORE you and your artwork! All of your work is so vibrant and full of life.

Your artwork is gorgeous. It is like nothing i have ever seen before. I would love to get my hands on some if you are selling it.

se te ve la mirada muy alegre pero lo que me encanto es la pintura puras estrellas como si estuvieras viviendo un sueno un lindo sueno del cual no quisieras despertar.

i absolutely adore your art. it's really intriguing & vibrant. i love to look at it. you have such a passion for your work, it's insane, all the hard work & time that goes into each piece. amazing.

your artwork is beyond amazing... ;) it captures passion and adrenaline!!! you are truly amazing!!!

Your art work is simply amazing. It is what I am drawn to and what makes me happy every time I see it. Thank you for putting it out there for others to enjoy!!!

You know, Victor, been looking through your works again it the morning, so unique your style is. Haven't seen anyone till now paint like you do. Totally different. From browsing I've noticed many artists are just repeating one another. But i think artists should have their own ideas if they wanna put their work out there. Some just make a mess. It's difficult to learn from you, a lot going on in there. It's great yours aren't simple. Make me ponder every time. Your hands are great, very steady, an important element to have. But your mind and what is within you is just completely unique.

You have amazing talent! Your art touches my soul and inspires me. Thank you for reminding people that there is beauty in this world. Keep painting.

You are a talented soul . You give to others so much beauty of love, life, & happiness.

I love the things that Victor Angelo does!!!

Victor it's great to see your art displayed at the Olympics.

Your art is magnificent. I would love to know what creativity goes on inside your mind that can't be expressed on canvas. Beautiful work!

Let me join the parade in saying that I love your work, you have a lot of talent, and they are very positive paintings: easy to live with. It's a treat to see your stuff.

Wow your art is amazing. Major talent. You have a magic touch.


your work looks simply AMAZING! very inspiring. it is seriously so beautiful i cant stop looking at it!

I have the day off today so slept later than usual allowing for nice dream time...where I kept seeing the beautiful paintings you do in my mind...and in my dream, I met you. I love every single piece of artwork you have done.

Your artwork is amazing...you truly are blessed. May your future continue to stay successful!

I would love to get a painting made by you. Thanks and god bless your hands. You are truly blessed with a gift.

i really love your art!!!! awesome awesome awesome. checked out the website with your shirts too.

Your art work is incredible! I have no artistic ability when it comes to drawing or painting but I love to look at paintings. Your paintings are something I would love to own.

Your art is sooooooooooooo amazing, but I am sure you are fully aware of that. I find myself wandering over to your page often and feeling so much better when I leave. You are truly gifted!

You truly are an angel. I just wanted to stop by your profile to let your creations soothe my soul; it always calms me to gaze upon their genius. Thanks for being who you are; yourself, and sharing your art with others. Light and Love, Mindy

I absolutely love your unique style. The color choices are amazing. It's incredible how you take a simple pattern and make it into something so beautiful. You are blessed with a wonderful talent, and I hope that one day i can see your work in person.

Your art is so real, so beautiful in composition and color. I love it. It is just overwhelming, both simple and complicated, active yet soothing, and I hope that you keep blessing us with your work. Keep it up! God bless.

i definitely have to say that i have not seen anything like your work, and i reeeally like it, i like a lot of color and you're all over that. the more i look at your work the more i love it.

I love your work, very lively with all the different colors and patterns. I have seen some of your paintings in a building in New York this weekend. Very moving to stand that close and examine every little detail in the piece.

Your work is incredible! It is so wonderful to have people like you in the world to make things so beautiful and enjoyable when there are other terrible things going on around us. Thank you so much for your beautiful work.

I'm sure you know how wonderful your art is. Your artwork is beautiful but what's more beautiful is the person and mind creating it. They are the talent and the spirit of the work, and in your work it definitely shines through. By the way do you ever paint in front of an audience? I'd love to watch.

Can I just say that you are amazingly talented. Really. Wow. And above all it's awesome that you are using that talent to inspire other people. Totally amazing. Keep it up!

thank you for your comment... it means a lot to me to get a photo or any type of comment from you because i admire you so much. you are an amazing artist and a wonderful person as well. thank you for making such beautiful pieces.. you have a unique style and are THE MAN rock on victor :) <3 kate

I've messaged you and bet you don't even remember anything about me with all the comments you get, but I just wanted to tell you again how awesomely talented you are and how much I love your apple! I seriously just want to put it in my room and sit on it and kiss and hug it!!

Not only an artist, but a model as well... That is great. I love your color usage as well as the way you use different patterns throughout your work. you create a beautiful work of art to others and another drawn out memory or thought for yourself. GREAT JOB!!!

you are f-in adorable... you like to paint... thats hot... we can make a portrait together by rolling around together naked on big piece of paper and painted bodies!

Victor, I love your artwork. God has gifted you immensely and I pray you are blessed more and more each and every day as you have been. Shantell

Wat up victorrrr i think what you do is really cool. your sooo cool. my friend thinks your really hott "sexy man beast" is her words exactly. maybe we should hang out some time. just give me a call. well later -tammy ((my friends call me spanky))

Hey just wanted to drop by and tell you what an inspiration you are I love to paint in my free time and looking at your art makes me want to paint more you have a wonderful talent keep up the good art work i love them all very unique..

Hey hun, you have been on of my friends for a while and I have never sent a comment to you. I'm sure you have heard this a million times but your art is really impressive and it's been a long time since I have actually said that to someone and meant it. Your art is absolutely beautiful. Keep up the good work hun. You are really bringing wonderful things into this world.

hello victor, your artwork is absolutley amazing! If there is any way that I could buy some that would be amazing. I envy you for your artistic abilities. -samantha

I absolutely love your art. I am actually an aspiring artist myself. So thank you much for the inspiration!! You have a brilliant imagination! The snowboards look amazing, and that mask is incredible! I can only hope to be as talented as you someday!

Victor Angelo, I Like your Pieces of Art...... I Know that Your Art Comes Form Your Heart, And your Thoughts of a Beautiful Day In Art..... Send Me Pictures of your Art.....When you make something that reminds You of Me.....Bye Baby Boy....

I see talent maybe we can work together some time. I have an event planning company. And from time to time we collabrorate with designers of all mediums.

Victor...Love your work, I would redo my entire house with your paintings...to fall asleep to a beautiful piece on my bedroom wall every night..what more could I ask for..talk about serenity :-)

I love your artworks! I have finally started painting again and it feels so great! We both seem to love COLOR! Keep it up, you're already famous!

I love to see your work...it amazes me at how the repetition and bending of certain objects amidst the background can be so simple, yet evoke a number of freeing emotions.

OMG I know you probably hear this every day, but you are so incredibly talented! You are such an inspiration. Your art is beautifull!

What wonderful paintings it reflects your personality that shows happiness, brightness & success...

Keep up your art works because every time I see them they inspire me to push forward with my stuff too! :D And someday I hope to reach your level and meet you in person! AHH that'd be so awesome! (you must be thinking "Dream on girl" lol)

i LOVE your scent and lights snowboards! the colors look so good together. i love all the work you do its so freakin' awesome :) congrats for being in the U.K. magazine! that's huge!

WOW! That's incredible work. You are awesome.

Spiritually uplifting and euphoric!! It's a whole other realm!! So beautiful!

Hey Victor; don't think I've ever stopped by before but here I am now. Lovely work, super fabuloso. brrravo !

Hello creative one. You have beautiful work. Love to see people are still using their minds for worthwhile behavior.

your art is amazing...your composition and the whole imagery is beautiful.

your artwork is very impressive, beautiful...your creativity and passion shines... :)

a lot of your work reminds me of the soft glowing bubbles of light from lanterns. it's powerful and attractive, yet has the special touch of color to not overwhelm. it's so amazing. i love it!

Well you certainly are aware of your talents, and don't need me to tell you how amazing your abilities are, but know that your work does inspire and is for the greater good. Keep following your dreams and pulling from the strength within.

I envy your work..the elements are all so different and unique and the colors are so vibrant I just love it...i love the colors they are my chosen colors as well..its just fantastic that you can use what is in your mind and make it real..it is so real..i love it.

You're an outstanding artist. You have such detail in your paintings and I love them. Keep up the great work! You are definetly one of my inspirations.

OMG I love your work... Ur art is CRazY! It makes my eyes jump all over....lol no really it does i just dont know where to stare...well keep up the great work...

Awesome!! You have taken your love and talent so far to become such a success in doing what you love!!!!! It's really something for us to look up to. You are so talented. You have a talent like NO OTHER on this earth!

you are by far one of the most talented individuals I've met in quite some time...your art is amazing.

Very inspiring. I look at it and the colors are so warm and relaxing. Heavenly like, beautiful works of art.

I love your artwork!!! I wish I could see the world through your eyes......see it how you do, that would be an amazing experience!!!

Your work is some of the most appealing to the eye that I have ever seen. *giggles* ...and you're a cutie at that!

Hi Victor! Your work is SO amazing! Very impressive, beautiful vibrant colors!

all your art is so full of life. it radiates positive energy. heals the soul. thank you.

Simply breathtaking. Your work makes me FEEL... It is absolutely beautiful. I can see the movement, the fluidity, the life of it and in it. Thank you for sharing your creations... what would it take to get one... or even just a print of one?

hi victor~glad to see that your paintings are still so beautiful!!!

your work is genius! perfect!!

Your work is absolutely amazing. I wish you the best of luck on your future masterpieces!

Gorgeous and peaceful. Transcends to another level for which words are not needed. -Marie Augustine

podia te dizer q todas as tuas pinturas sao lindas e de uma grande qualidade mas vou dizer q nesta foto estas tu e a tua arte a tua alegria e orgulho bem es fantastico no q fazes porque acredito plenamente q fazes com amor e paixao e esse e um grande talento parabens amigo Victor.

Your art is incredible! It's amazing that one person can create such beauty! Mad props to your art skills! Keep on doin' what you do best! :-)

Sweeet! I luv ur expression. You are so creative. Please count me into your fan club. Stay the course. Dare to live the dream.

your work is truly beautiful and amazing. it could only come from someone who is equally as beautiful and amazing!

The Talent you have is Amazing. Your work is absolutely beautiful. I put you in my top friends so I can see this every day.

Your paintings look beautiful on the walls! My whole house has become so much better! My mom and grandma love them as well.

I was just looking through your profile and looking at some of your paintings. They are great. I really like them. I would like to buy one to put in my living room.

I visited your page and the artwork made me smile. It completely brightened my day; it hadn't started off as well as I'd have liked. You have a gift. I hope you make many more people smile with your beautiful paintings! God bless.

My God your work is awesome, I never thought I liked bright colors to much but what you do with them is so great you changed my mind.

Anyone can put paint to canvas, but it takes a passionate person like you for others to feel their expressions!

Your art work is beautiful and amazing! You must be a very passionate person!

amazing work...looking at your page gives me PEACE..thanks a million.

ur work is amazing...i love how imaginative and perceptive u r w/ colors and patterns, it's so kewl!!!

Your paintings are so amazing and different! I love them!

I became one of your millions of fans...For God to love the world he gave us someone like you to color the world with good sight of fine and sophisticated pieces of artworks. You are a true modern artist. I really want to be able to meet you someday. I kinna have an artist in me myself. Not quite as excellent like yours, but I would love to get some tips and just chill with you making arts together. I will be your devoted student and I promise I won't fall sleep...:)

It's so peaceful. The calming blueish contrast against the red background is so relaxing. I find myself exhaling, just looking at it. It's amazing.

it makes me feel light.. and like I'd be dancing, almost floating... good feelings.. wonderful painting :)

Excellent work, gives the sensation of flowing and traquility paired with adventure. Very very cool!

I love your color usage and how the painting seems to move. It's wonderful :)

reminds me a lot of weightlessness and flying it is very relaxing i love it!!

I love your work. It's all so creative. The colors contrast so beautifully.

i love your use of dramatic colors and the patterns... i don't know much about art... but i know what i like at least and i do like yours very much.

WOW HOW BEAUTIFUL. You have been so BLESSED with such amazing talent.

i love the angel. The colors convey passion, almost an erratic lust. The angel itself however, shows a very emotional deep side too. Beautiful work!

Hi Victor, I love all of your work, thank you for sharing it with me and my friends, you're everything to our world. Your works are beautiful. Just from looking at the poster I'm speechless. Keep doing your great work, do what you do best. Much love, XOXO Christina

omg! your art is so inspiring. some of your work is used at my school in the reception area! your art is just so crafty! i envy you!

i love the angel! it really touched me and reminded me a lot of my mother who just passed away.... its truly beautiful. continue your amazing work.

So Beautiful. Sometimes when I'm upset, I go to your page and look at all your art work and it calms me down. So peaceful and bright.

Your art work is beautiful!!!!!! I love the colors and how vibrant they are!! You are very talented!!! =)

This is like nothing I've ever seen. It's amazing. What a wonderful talent to have!

Wow you do really great work......the colors are just amazing!!!!!!!!! I would love to buy one!!!!

I checked out your site and discovered some more of your work, and it was so inspiring and mesmerising.

I love your art work. It's beautiful. It reminds me of a dream land. you're really talented. i give you major props!

Happy, Vibrant, and Alive are just a few of the words that come to mind when I see your work! With so much chaos in the world, artwork like yours gives and inspires hope in us all! Keep it up! ~Cindy~

the art on this page is magnificent! i love the shapes and colors used. You've got great talent and i hope to one day be able to afford your pieces to hang in my home and liven the place up.

Always a pleasure stopping by to check out your art. I didn't realize how detailed you were until I stared at the pictures. It's actually pretty relaxing. Momentary escape. Awesome. ;)

i love your artwork. you have so much talent. keep up the good work. i love the colors and the picture in your profile with all the stars that look like fireworks Victor Angelo style lol

Victor, your artwork is awesome. I'm definitely digging the spiritually inspired artwork. In my interpretation it's clearly not religious in undertone, just spiritual and that's awesome!

It is my belief you are doing what you were put on this earth to do, my friend. I feel that in this belief I am not alone, and I thank you profoundly for sharing. :)

Wow you have quite a following of friends and definitely some immense talent. I am very picky about art but yours I find definitely worth my while. Kelsey

Hey Victor, just dropping by to say hi & to tell you that your work is truly amazing, totally blows my mind every time I look at your stuff! Have a good one ~ Sue :)

Beautiful pictures!!! Congratulations on the successful show, and the sales. That's a right-sexy profile pic there, sugar ;-) Cherie :-)

your work definitely captures the eyes in a way that's unexplainable...beautiful. You have a lot ahead of you with your amazing creations.

your amazing, i've been painting since i could hold a paint brush, but i don't have the creativity that you do, you are great.

Your infusion of colors sets the mood, stimulates the mind, arouses the senses, removes me from where I stand and carries me off to beautiful places of serenity & heavenly dreams.

Absolutely stunning and beautiful! I will definitely share your art with my friends and family!

I just wanted to add you to remember where to find your art. I'm really taken by your art! Keep up the great work!

Your artwork is absolutely breath taking. I can look at it and just feel so calm and serene and in touch with my inner self.

You're so talented. I had a dream recently and your art work was in it. I could never forget the way you paint. Exquisite! <3 Janelle

Hey Victor!!! Wow! Your art is amazing!!! I have never seen such beauty... it is absolutely gorgeous!! Great Job! ;)

I am blown away by your work!!!!! REALLY! I dream of becoming this good. I am very thankful to see your work... it helped me open my eyes to new possibilities.

Your work is amazing. I absolutely love it! So unique and interesting. I swear I could look at them all day.

Wow!! Your work is soo lovely, so exquisite, and sooo different from anything I have ever seen. I wish I could put that apple in my room.

WOW...your work is so intense & vivid. The passion in your work is almost palpable. I'd love to come to one of your showings.

I added you as my friend because I really do love your art. It's so colorful, bright and beautiful.

You are so talented, my sister and I LOVE your work, every piece is in its own and so unique and beautiful.

i love your art! it's so beautiful! and it just hypnotizes you when looking at it.. i love it. keep it up! you are amazing!

your work radiates your beautiful energy. i am simply amazed with the colors and expressions in your art.

I love looking at your beautiful work. Your art is like a cool drink of water in the desert. Ahhh! Now I'm refreshed.

i admire how lovely you do your artwork! your talent is so endless its crazy!!!! keep it up! ;) i wish i can meet u someday so i can see your alienifically crazilly amazing talented hand and see how it does its magic!!!!!

Congrats on the Victor Angelo postage stamps! Awesome!! You deserve it, your work is amazing, peaceful, inspirational and full of warmth and joy for life. You are a talent!

It's truly astounding to see someone of our generation with this much talent. I'm just writing a quick message because your craft and artistry is exceptional and I thought I'd add you as a friend to leave you a little note of support and acknowledgement in your great work.

I really really like your art work. I love the big apple...I would put that right in the middle of my living room. And the one with all of the pinks in it is absolutely gorgeous. You are a very talented person and I sure wish to have a Victor Angelo painting on my wall.

Your work is so inspirational! It makes me want to pick up a brush..God has blessed you with an AMAZING talent! Be proud of that talent and take it to the stars! You are a masterpiece!

i'm not such a big fan of modern art usually but decided i should check out your page...your artwork is FANTASTIC!!! i LOVE IT!! and i think it's amazing that you have accomplished so much! it's inspiring!!

Your work is breathtaking!!! As an artist I'm so inspired that I'm grabbing my brushes and locking myself in my studio! I'm just breaking into oils and want to get into some abstract...deep soul..highly emo paintings! You totally inspire me!!!

I love these paintings! You use some of my favorite colors. They are bright and just put you in a good mood. All in all, looking at them gives me happy feelings. They convey a sense of innocence to me. :)

Oh my God! I LOVE your art! I envy your ability to produce and create things of such beauty and imagination and feeling. I'd love to watch you create your art. Your creative process would fascinate me. Anyhow I'll let you go, just had to say thanks for making something that is such a pleasure to the eyes.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and unfortunately I had an allergic reaction last weekend. My eyes are bloodshot, and hurt terribly, but YOUR artwork made me forget about the pain...those paintings were some of the most beautiful creations I have ever laid my eyes on!

One thing I love about your paintings is the use of color. In every painting so far I have felt something different with each one. One thing is for sure, no frame is good enough for your paintings. I think it looks better without the frame. P.S. With you in the painting it is hard to concentrate on anything else.

I've heard about you and I didn't realize how talented you are until I saw this site. The colors that you use are so vibrant and bold. It makes your art so lively. I love the art you do and wish I could paint like that, but I don't have that talent. I would love to see more of your work. Excellent.

I stay in the LA area in Hermosa Beach every summer and would love to come to any art shows that showcase your work. I think your art is beautiful and so calming to look at. I can tell that you love what you do and that is what makes your work so stunning and special.

Victor, your works are my greatest inspiration. They possess all the beauty and harmony - a marvelous quality of life. Their peak - is a human spirit, and way to the top - is through the heart. If conscious has remained on a way to deadlock, the heart is there to show the road to stars. Everytime, while looking "inside" your works, I'm entering into my own world, far away from reality. It's a strange world, but it's colorful and variable, it's a world of my dreams and whispers of my soul, and the most important - it exists!

gracias por aceptarme, me imagino q eres un artista por los trabajos q muestras en tus fotos, te felicito tienes mucho talento sobre el concepto de ornamentanciòn, trabajas con diferentes tendencias artistica sobre todo con el abstracionismo, que permite una ilusion optica entre las profundidades de los colores permitiendo una sensaciòn de tres dimensiones, el cual la vista y la imaginaciòn viaja para diferentes mundos.

I must say, along with everyone else, that your art is amazing. It was interesting because I saw your blog, and I had to read it. It was something I needed to hear. It was perfect timing! Your art is fabulous, always enjoy looking at artwork. And yours has wonderful vibes, very pleasing to the eyes. Keep up your amazing work!

I absolutely love your artwork and was hoping you could tell me how I could go about finding a piece for my house.

I truly do admire your work. You are an inspiration to us all who want to succeed in life, watching you with your success gives us hope.

Your art is the most heart-felt, moving and spiritual experiences I've ever had. Thank you so much for sharing it with the world.

AMAZING ART!!! your art work gives me the feeling like i'm floating in a vibrant colored dream....it's a beautiful feeling...and your stuff is so precious...they transcend time...

Your art is great. Thank you for sharing it with the world. You have been blessed with a true gift.

My Blog


Posted by on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 14:45:00 GMT