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AIM[TheBigZBeginZ70]--------------------Name: Chris McFarland Alias: Bigz Age: 19 Years Old D.O.B: 3/27/87 Hometown: Raleigh, NC Location: Brevard, NC Status: Single School: NC State University Sign: Aires --------------------What Really Happened When Superman Ended? You know what I would have done? I would have thrown a batarang at him....--------------------The name is Chris. But you peeps can call me Bigz. If you don't know the tragic story of Pvt. Red, don't talk to me. He was lucky to make it.... Like most MySpace users, I have to repeat, I don't give a fuck what you think. I spent the earlier years of my life trying to live like them god damn preps.... Fucking insulting. I live up here in the mountains of NC, and I could not be happier where I live. My friends and family always come first, so save your self centered, and bitchy attitude for someone who cares. I work for the greatest bosses ever up here at Precision Painting, Earl and Andy. It's like Earl always said, "My wife is turning into my own personal secretary." Pause.... . .. ... .... "She even gives head." I work full time, but plan to transfer to a university later this year. Random = AWESOME!!!! Regardless of what people say, Emo/Punk/Goth chicks are the hottest there are. I listen to all music, but my main focus is on Rock/Metal/Punk/Hardcore/Grindcore. The best fucking shit there is. Stop taking them baby sips, I am an alcoholic, so please, get out, or pass that shit, you are ruining it for everyone. Words mean nothing these days, so if you want to make a point, prove it, because you know what they say.... I might come off as intimidating, but once you get to know me, I am more like a teddy bear. But believe me when I say, fuck with me the wrong way, and you will pay. Hey. That rhymes. Bitches.... --------------------What If Sonic Broke His Neck And Died? Something really fucked up that's what. But especially funny when Knuckles calls out Eggman....--------------------The Best Sign In The Fucking WorldWho drew it you ask? The most hardcore girl I know.... Jekka [HXC]--------------------Nothing Shows Love Like ThisIf she thinks I am awesome, then it must be true.... Anna [♥] --------------------Don't Fuck With The Split Yo-Yo Mafia! Them pubes will be all up in your face....

My Interests

Football Weight-Lifting Drawing Guitar Tickling Of The Prostate Girls Down in '72 Drinking The Story Of Private Red Beserkers Hanging Out The Clap Laughing Old School Music Concerts Toast Racoons Moshing Jews Corona Extra Movies Ghosting Bitches Steak Random Trust Humor Loyalty Happy Vaginas Nachos Video Games Pumas Coolies Anime Graphic Novels Special Effects NC State Wolfpack Carolina Panthers Photography Dogs Back In Nam Bears With M16 Seals With 9mm Art Knives Comics Cold Stone Winter The Mountains Spring The Beach

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Bullet For My Valentine Anti-Flag Underoath Senses Fail Norma Jean AFI 30 Seconds To Mars The Black Dahlia Murder The Number 12 Looks Like You He Is Legend Cradle Of Filth Lordi Disturbed Misfits Atreyu HIM CKY Bleeding Through It Dies Today Dope Slipknot Korn Manson Weezer Ensign Die Trying MSI Dry Kill Logic From Autumn To Ashes Otep H20 Son Of Sam Frank Sinatra Pink Floyd Pearl Jam AC/DC Slayer Led Zepilin Hendrix Stick To Your Guns Skindred Alkaline Trio Orgy Pantera Silverstein Dead Puppets Philler Sum 41 The Killers Sublime Thrice The 69 Years Tool Armor For Sleep This Day Is Ours Rise Against Unearth Dark Tranquility Comeback Kid Aiden Sugarcult Nirvana Everlast Godsmack centerDeadstar Assembly Strung Out Bury Your Dead Rob Zombie Fuel Staind Twisted Method Stutterfly Bloodhound Gang Nor Am I Mudvayne Dispatch All That Remains Rufio Road Not Taken Still Remains Chambered The Offspring Drowning Pool Papa Roach NOFX Agnostic Front Guttermouth Haste The Day Bad Religion Diecast Audioslave Hawthorne Heights American Head Charge Guns 'N' Roses Marcy Playground The Academy Is Straylight Sun Morris Day And The Time Air Supply Eagles The Used Hatebreed The Ramones The Clash Nightwish Utada Hikaru


V For Vendetta Wedding Crashers Sin City Employee Of The Month Corpse Bride The Nightmare Before Christmas Secret Window Clerks I, II Mallrats Dogma Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back Chasing Amy What Dreams May Come Transporter I, II Doom Batman Begins Shaun Of The Dead Superman Returns Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Undercover Brother Friday Night Lights Jerry McGuire I, Robot Van Wilder Tenacious D And The Pick Of Destiny Pirates Of The Carribean I, II Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle Pitch Black Dark Fury The Chronicles Of Riddick Team America Happy Feet The Matrix I-III Blade I-III X-Men I-III Spider-Man I, II The Punisher Fantastic Four Alien Vs. Predator Fast And The Furious I-III 007 Casino Royale Phantom Of The Opera Moulin Rouge Jackass I, II Lords Of Dogtown The Green Mile Coach Carter Take The Lead You Got Served The Last Samurai Remember The Titans The Replacements Serenity Jersey Girl Anchorman Talladega Nights American Pie I-III Star Wars I-VI Happy Gilmore Super Troopers Dukes Of Hazzard Evolution The Notebook Miami Vice Collateral Starship Troopers Mission Impossibe I-III Gundam Wing Endless Waltz House Of 1,000 Corpses The Devils Rejects Mystic River Daredevil Final Fantasy XII Advent Children Ace Ventura I, II Liar Liar Constantine Mortal Kombat Spawn Scary Movie I-IV The Abyss Rocky I-VI Zoolander Dodgeball A True Underdog Story Resident Evil I, II The Mummy I, II The Scorpion King Joe Dirt White Chicks Billy Madison Happy Gilmore Big Daddy Sleepy Hollow Men Of Honor Minority Report Pearl Harbor Armageddon Deep Impact Family Man See Dick And Jane Run God Of War The Wicker Man The Hills Have Eyes Austin Powers I-III Kung Pow! Enter The Fist Kung Fu Hustle The Ladies Man


Family Guy South Park Nip/Tuck Rescue Me The Knights Of Prosperity Aqua Teen Hunger Force Harvey Birdman Attorney At Law Metalocalypse In Case Of Emergency 18 Oz. Mouse Bleach American Dad Naruto Inuyasha Big O Cowboy Bebop Fullmetal Alchemist The Boondocks Stroker And Hoop Futurama Law And Order SVU That 70's Show 30 Rock The Office The Shield Boston Legal Prison Break Thief Smallville Dirt The Duel American Chopper Real World Ghost Hunters TRL Friday Nights Lights NFL FOX, CBS, ABC, NFL Network NFL Gameday NFL Replay My Name Is Earl George Lopez The War At Home The Simpsons According To Jim Sportscenter Pardon The Interuption King Of Queens Late Night With Conan O' Brian CSI Numbers Two And A Half Men Rules Of Engagement Armed And Famous Reno 911 Friends Deal Or No Deal Show Me The Money The Biggest Loser Malcom In The Middle Dragonball, Z, GT Gundam Wing, Seed, G, Stardust Memory Outaw Star Tenchi Muyo! Afro Samurai Home Movies


Eragon I-III Harry Potter I-VI The Da Vinci Code How To Kill A Mockingbird Death Of A Salesman Fences


Ian Meeting you was fate. I never thought I could trust somebody so much until I met you. You are like another brother to me. You helped shaped me into who I am today. You have also supported me through all my endeavours. All the heartbreaks and joys. I love you dude.... Thomas Who would have thought that a night at Pucks would bring us together. Two guys who, I swear, were seperated at birth. You understand me. You make me feel that some friends are worth holding onto. It's like you always say, "Dude.... WE ARE FUCKING CLONES!!!!" I believe we are. Marey Girl where do I begin. You are my muse. You are so good to me. More than I feel I deserve. You are the only girl who puts up with me, and still loves me, unlike some. You are amazing to me. I let you in, you let me in. Meeting you was the greatest thing ever. You are such a sweetheart. I have never met any woman like you in my life, and I never will again. I love you. Shane O' Mac The star of the show, like me, my bio bro Shane. Let me tell you something dude, I have never been more proud of any of my other family member than you. You talk so good about me, bringing me to my own little form of popularity. I was blessed to have such an awesome brother. And what good can come out of me and you hanging out together? nothing but ultimate sexness. especially since we both know.... cheese owns. Queenie My true angel of music. You can basically take my frown and turn it upside down. I love you more than anything. Everytime I would cry, you would cry. You ere the only support I had in that house. Sometimes I wish you were up here with me. Where you belong, where you can be treated right. I will always love you, I will always look over you, and I will always be your big brother. Mom You see here guys, this is why I am the gentleman I am today. Forget the fucked up parents that plague this earth these days, my mom is the best. She let's me do anything and everything I want to while still keeping her parental discipline. I do not know what I would do without her. I love you mom.... Dad Even though we are not related by blood, I still feel closer to you than my own father. You are one of my mentors, one who always told me I had the strength to do anything I wanted to. I never had a hard time talking to you. Leaving you was one of the hardest moves in my life. You will never know how bad. I miss you dad. You are a bad ass, because that's how you roll, and because you are my father. Stacie You see? You might not know this, but you are one of my heroes. And I am not doing this because you made me an awesome sign. By the way, I am good aren't I? Everytime I see you I have to admit, I feel good about myself because at least someone accepts me for who I am. Also, you make me feel confident in everything I do, even if you just speak two words to me. I miss you chick.... Jesse Well, well, well, looked who popped up in my hero section. You and Stacie have to be the coolest cousins to ever walk this earth. I ain't never seen a girl as cool as you. And when you say I am your favorite, I know you don't mean it, but it makes me feel special, more than you will ever know. You are growing up into a beautiful young woman. And I just want to see you happy. I will see you when I get back girl....****UNDER CONSTRUCTION****

My Blog


flashback.out the door....i have to meet the new boss by eight.yes....i remember when i would put it all on the line.not even thinking about the complications....year of hell, day 243.i wrote it down....
Posted by BIGZ on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 05:31:00 PST


year twenty....the stretch towards the end is upon me.difficult times now lay both behind and teenage years have come and gone....the time to make a difference has come....thus marking the...
Posted by BIGZ on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 02:23:00 PST


sometimes i just don't understand people.they can be so nice....but at the sametime be so cruel.i have never asked much from anyone....only that i can trust them in my darkest hour.only one person has...
Posted by BIGZ on Sun, 06 May 2007 10:03:00 PST


There is one absolute in my life....One thought that plagues my fragile mind.Why do the nice guys finish last?I know I am not the smartest person in the world....Nor am I the most handsome.But one thi...
Posted by BIGZ on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 05:07:00 PST


Sometimes, I must admit, I let my emotions get to me....But can you really blame me?All of these bottled up emotions.They had to break through eventually.You always think it's about you....Well, it's ...
Posted by BIGZ on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 06:58:00 PST


it's been years since we last met.where does the time go?so. this is what they call a heart warming family reunion, huh?still....the people on the outside have no idea what is really going idea ...
Posted by BIGZ on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 05:50:00 PST