ReAdInG AlL KiNdS Of BoOkS; EaTiNg; PlAyInG ThE PiAnO; ReTrEaTiNg To ThE BeAcH Or OuT oF ToWn; MeDitAtIoN ClAsS; InTeLleCtUaL CoNvErSaTiOnS; FoReIgN LaNgUaGeS;
People from all walks of life. The young and the old, the carefree and the wise, the famous and the anonymous. People always have something to say, something to teach. It's these differences that makes life a little more exciting. I consider that my education.
JaZz, R & B, ClAsSicAl, BoSa NoVa AnYthIng As LonG As iT sOOtheS my MoOdS.
Daria, Gilmore Girls, Sex and the City, Friends, Felicity, The West Wing, Ally McBeal, Charmed, Will & Grace, Survivor, National Geographic & Discovery Channel, E.R., Lifestyle Network,, Isla
*TuEsDaY's WiTh MoRrIe and FiVe PeOpLe YoU MeEt In HeAvEn by Mitch Albom (this book brought me to tears and an overwhelming sense of self) *AnNe RiCe NoVeLs (The Vampire Chronicles consumes me the most) *All PaUL CoELhO's Books one of the most celebrated fable he published "The Alchemist" (my fave word in that book is - "Maktub" which means it is written). *ThE ULtiMaTe GiFt by Jim Stovall (sharing beyond what materials things can't provide is the greatest treasure) *NeALe DoNald WaLsCH's BoOkS (Conversations with God Book 1,2 & 3; Communion with God; Friendships with God) my bible . . . "we are but one and will never be apart though different" shared by another soul. *ThE CoUnT oF MoNtE CrIsTo and other books by Alexander Dumas my fave author of all time. *ThE LiTtlE PrInCe (never let go of your childish innocence . . . that in itself is immortal) *HaRrY PoTtEr SeRieS (magic always draws me to such delight) *48 LaWs Of PoWer (anything has its own set of rules the teachings of Sun Tzu, Confucius; Carl Jung and others) *WiNgS Of ThE SoUL (to be able to conquer your own monsters and be quite still) *ChIcKeN SoUp FoR ThE SoUl (heartfelt stories that ignites compassion) *ObLiCoN & LaW BoOkS (never ceases to challenge my intellectual capacity; *The Tao of Poo (such simplicity of oneself often draws wisdom) *The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers ("People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive." excerpts from the book itself)
My mom the most beautiful woman in the world who nurtured me and showed me what unconditional love is . . .