exploring places. making things. playing.
creative people... interesting people, interested people... mischievous people
.....hum... so that i can know something about you ***please message me*** if you want to be my friend thankyou
cornelius, add n to (x), kraftwerk, stereolab... bleeps and crackle and fuzz .... prefuse 73... brothamstates... broadcast... fun /inventive hip hop and electro... some detroit techno.. model 500, ultradyne, japanese telecom... little computer people... umm.. also can, blonde red head, the yeah yeah yeahs... sonic youth, the smiths, the cure, joy division... the velvet underground... the fall.. syd barret, leonard cohen... yoko kanno... müm... and! my friends je suis animal, mi hermano manuel garcia!
laputa, tekkon kinkurito, noiseman sound insect, fantastic planet, steamboy, time bandits, city of lost children, blade runner, metropolis, waking life, forbidden planet, dog day afternoon, midnight cowboy, tron, assault on precinct 13, kikujiro, Steve Zissou Life Aquatic, man bites dog, 2001: a space odyssey...
planet earth (any attenborough)... twin peaks...addicted to lost...greenwing's funny most of the time... bbc four shows some cool interviews and bits now and then
beyond lies the wub (collected short stories) by phillip k dick, metamorphosis by kafka, the clay machine gun by victor pelevin... slaughterhouse 5 by kurt vonnegut.. i am legend by richard matheson... the king of elfland's daughter by lord dunsany...comics - the airtight garage by moebius, roach killer by tardi and legrand, tiempos finales by samuel hiti... black and white by taiyo matsumoto... little nemo in slumberland by winsor mccay...picture books - where the wild things are by maurice sendak, the red tree by shaun tan.. alice's adventures in wonderland by lewis carroll and arthur rackham.. alice's adventures in wonderland by lewis carrol and iassen ghiuselev...
tony benn