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I am here for Dating

About Me

I created my own profile using my brain and godlike POWERS and you should too, mere pathetic excuse for a rib!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The black jesus, the fat elvis, yogi bear eating a stolen sammich, 2pak when he was a backup dancer, Biggie smalls with out his sunglasses on, MC Hammer when he was rich, Vanilla Ice in a 84 convertible Mustang, smurfette, the FAT BOYS, Kid from kid n play, the cast of CB4, Carlton on crack, James Brown on coke, Johnny Depp stoned, Salvador Dali with out a mustache, Chris Farley coked out, Kurt Cobain the day he shot himself, Courtney Love the day after, Rick James slapping someone, Mr T pitying someone, David Hasselhoff drunk and driving KIT, The governator, Ultimate Warrior on the top rope, Hulk Hogan wrestling Andre the Giant, Krusty the Klown, The fast talking micromachines guy, Screech geeting laid, the girl that got laid by Screech, the inventor of multicolor parachute pants, cris cros, Homer Simpson, the guy that was in the back always laughing in the TOM GREEN SHOW, Rufus the bumfighter, the original Lassie, Rambo, Charlie Sheen on coke, Lindsay Lohan when she had big ones, Paris Hilton pennyless, Michael Jackson in the BAD video, Robert Downey Jr. on a good one, Jim Morrison on acid, Jimmy Hendrix at woodstock, Dee Snider from Twisted Sister, Slash gettin faded, David Lee Roth from Van Halen, The Misfits, The Ramones fighting, Yoko Ono, Chuck Norris fightin Blade, a stoned Dave Chappell, Wolverines wife, Jesse Jackson at a KKK meeting, Mothra, the old lady that said "wheres the beef", Beck in the LOSER video, Beasty Boys decked out in ADIDAS and gold chains, Emmit Smith after the superbowl, the dude the celebrated to early in the superbowl and got the ball knocked out from his hand b4 he scored, the real slim shady, George Washington watering his weed plants, Hank Hill at a strip joint, Madonna when she was a virgin, DEBO, the young Tom Jones, Voltron, He man when he comes out of the closet, Mr. Pink, Tony Montana b4 the mountain of coke, Gods parents, Eazy E b4 the aids, Skeletor drinkin with Moonra,Andy Warhol with a good haircut, the little fat girl from the Blind Melon video, the director of the First MOON LANDING, JFK, Gandi at McDonalds, Budda with a Slimfast, and many many more...

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