Centurio Pravus, IA, DL, SB,(Lord Of The Fleets) profile picture

Centurio Pravus, IA, DL, SB,(Lord Of The Fleets)

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Lycan Derakas was born on Thyrsus to a warrior man and a shy woman, he had a older brother called Nutoc Lur Derakas his family were humans, but their species was Huran. At the age of 13 he was taken to the Jedi Temple to be trained as a Jedi and that was the last time he saw his family.He quickly made it to Jedi Master because he was strong in the force, but was demoted down to Jedi Knight after he was found to be married, his daughter was adopted after his wife died. In the Clone wars he was with his padawan when order 66 went out, at that moment some clone troopers turned on him and shot his padawan and then they attacked him he killed all of them and went to his padawan's side. He held his padawan in his arms as she died, then as she joined the force Lycan's voice changed and he let out a force howl that was later heard by other Jedi fighting their Clones he turned to see a shuttle heading towards his position and readied himself for another challenge, but due to his losses he was starting to turn to the darkside. The shuttle landed and 2 officers came out and told him that his crew and troops were still loyal to him they returned to his Jedi attack Cruiser after he picked up his padawans green sabre and clipped it to his belt, due to his losses he turned into a Dark Jedi Knight and disappeared from the Republic.20 years later.His battered attack cruiser was seen at the Kuat driveyards he then left the driveyards with some ships left over from the clone wars and some new star destroyers and one super star destroyer. After the new ships he went to Kamino and got more clones done and then to Geonosis to get some droids while there he found some old Magna-guard droids and took them with him he also found a droid control ship "The Watcher" and took that to add to his fleet. Then the entire fleet was seen over Coruscant and he joined the Galactic Empire, he was given the name Lord Pravus, sometime after that he found and joined the DSL (Dark Sith Legion) and found out his brother Nutoc was alive and working as a General in the DSL and our story goes on from there.
Name: Lycan Derakas
Born: On the planet of Thyrsus
Current Location: Thyrsus
Ship: "The Mirage" Imperium 'Ultra' Class Super Star Dreadnought
Race: Human(Huran)
What are you? ex. Bounty Hunter, Merchant, etc. Sith Master
Jedi or Sith? Both
Color of Lightsaber: Blue and Red
Type of Lightsaber: Twin Curved Hilts
Fighting Stance: Makashi,Soresu,Shien
Do you have any loved ones? No
Job: Centurio of The Krayt Dragon Legion of the IA
Planet: Thyrsus
Weapon: Lightsabre and Blaster rifle
Jedi: Aayla Secura
Sith: Anakin Skywalker
Place to go: Coruscant
Enough favorites..more questions...
Lightside or Darkside? Both
Where do you live? Thyrsus and Naboo
Land vehicle: Speeder bike "The Shadow"
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My Interests

Royal Sun Guard Officers

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You scored as Star Destroyer. The massive Imperial Star Destroyer fits your personality. You prefer being top-dog, having the biggest and most powerful ship in the galaxy, even if that means compromising manuverablity and speed for sheer firepower. It may be a good idea to evaluate your ego and get your pride complex under control, they may get the best of you.

Star Destroyer


Millennium Falcon




Mon Calamari Star Cruiser


Tie Fighter


Imperial Shuttle

What Star Wars starship is for you?
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My Blog

Fight with Lady Siriev Vs Lord Derakas

*Lycan stood in the arena built beside Dragon Legion base and looked to the farside of the arena where the water from the sea behind the base had broken the bank flooding one side of the arena making ...
Posted by Centurio Pravus, IA, DL, SB,(Lord Of The Fleets) on Tue, 20 May 2008 09:23:00 PST

Wedding of Lycan Derakas and Sache Open to All

Lycan and Sache have been engaged for 9 months now after he asked her to marry him after she became pregnant with his son, now after the birth they are about to marry and have the ceremony at "The Kra...
Posted by Centurio Pravus, IA, DL, SB,(Lord Of The Fleets) on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 08:48:00 PST

Weapons and Bionics(Read before RPing with me)

Lycan carries many different types of weapons comprised here is a list of the ones he carries in battle:- Makashi Hilts Lycan's Blue Executioners Sabre Shoulder Mounted Bolter(Pic coming soon) A wea...
Posted by Centurio Pravus, IA, DL, SB,(Lord Of The Fleets) on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:42:00 PST

The Finding of "The Pride of Korriban"

*The Dragon Fleet exits Hyperspace and comes to a standstill at the sight of a capital ship floating in space as they get nearer they see the name of the vessel "The Pride of Korriban" a old Master Cl...
Posted by Centurio Pravus, IA, DL, SB,(Lord Of The Fleets) on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 06:52:00 PST

Memorial Blog for my Dad Stuart Holliday

I thank you for praying for my dad everyone, but he died on the 12th of November at 3:30am he just stopped breathing I keep expecting him to walk through the door as if this is a bad dream, but i...
Posted by Centurio Pravus, IA, DL, SB,(Lord Of The Fleets) on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 03:21:00 PST

The Flagship of the Sun Guard Empire (and its weapons)

The Flagship of the SGE. Armament The Ultra-class had over 5,000 weapons emplacements, including turbolasers, assault concussion missile launchers and ion cannons. Since warships could direct all po...
Posted by Centurio Pravus, IA, DL, SB,(Lord Of The Fleets) on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 01:22:00 PST

Return To Thyrsus

In the red sun of Thyrsus 10 shuttles are seen coming down to the planet when they land outside the palace the landing ramps come down and troops come out along with Master Lycan Derakas in his sun gu...
Posted by Centurio Pravus, IA, DL, SB,(Lord Of The Fleets) on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 04:24:00 PST

Testing apprentices

Waiting in the training room inside "The Guardian 2" I wait for my apprentice so I can test them. The Training Room.  ...
Posted by Centurio Pravus, IA, DL, SB,(Lord Of The Fleets) on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 03:45:00 PST