MINDFOOL profile picture


Aesthetic Pleasure..

About Me

Mindfool was established on 1999 with an influence into hardcore metal music. The people behind Mindfool Rysen, Dennis, Daryl, Philamuel(Metal Instinct / Indephums) and Axcel(Sillhouette). but on 2002, Mindfool became armless and legless because of the loss Philamuel and Axcel. Mindfool still continue the persuite to a successful band.
After few years of steady hopes, a text message was received by Dennis that Drummer Nix Nimor (ex-GaZzpar & The Flower Machine) wanted to volunteer for a session with Mindfool with him playing the drummer's role. Then 2005 with the new drummer comes with the a new guitartist who Dennis picked-up, Timothy (ex-Dissposable Syringe). Dennis saw a high potential with this 2 men around and may contribute to a more aggresive and new sound for Mindfool.
Months later, a sudden and unexpected argument occur and led to the departure of lead singer Rysen. The band needs a replacement for the loss of rysen and then contacted a good friend of the band, Xiao Z (ex-GaZzpar & The Flower Machine) to replace the missing slot for the band to continue. 2006, Mindfool played with the sound of metal mixed with melodics influeced with Killswitch Engage, All that Remains, Caliban and such. Bothered with rumors that Mindfool dont fit in the metal scene because thier too melodic or something like Mindfool sounds like "EMO". Some people don't really understand our sound because they try too call themselves open-minded people but still mock other bands in the scene.
at the midst of 2007, plan has set for the EP or Album release. Mindfool set the standards to thier music so disrespectfully as can be. Added with Thrash style and some Deathcore accent Mindfool comes out with more stronger music and justified thier way in the music scene. Fuck who ever comes in the way. This is the Re-birth. This is Mindfool. |m|

My Interests


Member Since: 5/9/2006
Band Website: youporn.com
Band Members: Dennis Daniel [Guitar 1]

Daryl Daniel [Bass]

Xiao Zapanta [Vocals]

Tim Ngujo [Guitar 2]

Influences: Parkway Drive
Shadows Fall
Killswitch Engage
Threat Signal

Type of Label: Indie