I'm into the whole music thing, I love to sit around and play the guitar, and play bass in my church youth group band (We rock it!), and I also try to play (try being the key word) the panio. I'm a big paintballer, well whenever I get the chance to get people together. I love to go camping with my buds even if it's 19 outside, we have the greatest times(well sometimes)! I play on the tennis team at my school so don't make fun of my too much. I also like to ride my bike, it's great exercise and a thing thing to do to unwind or relieve stress.
I'd like to meet Billiam Clinton, Mike Jordan, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Jesus, oh and of course Arnold Schwarzenegger
Let us see here........I like all kinds of movies, with comedies being .1, and then all others in there somewhere. People always ask me so what's your fav. movie? Well don't because I don't know. I like alot of um
Yes I do read books...
Momma and Daddy