Atari, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and hope to get: Nintendo 64, Play Station 2 & 3, XBOX LIVE. I love both old and new Musicals, Plays and fine arts, Car Shows and verious other things.
People I forgot existed!
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Bubbly is my newest favorite by Colbie Caillat. Other then that Michael Buble, Nora Jones, Pink, Linkin Park, Eagles, Boston, Bowling for soup, Carry Underwood, Nelly Fertado, Tracy Brummly, Pat Benitar, Gym Class Heros and so many More.
Anything with suspense, Good hearted Comedy, Animated, blah, blah, blah. *TRANSFORMERS & NINJA TURTLES WERE AWESOME!
Chip 'n Dale, SVU, CSI....... Can you tell I don't watch very much TV <> If I like it enough I will buy it on dvd.
I don't really have to much time to read but when I do I usually take recommendations from friends and family and so far its done me well.
People I see everyday who are still moving forward after all they've been though. Mainly *RODNEY* < He's had a full time job and been going to school full time and is almost done with school (MAY) and I am so proud of him!