Here's a tip to all who want to be a friend or model for me. Don't request me if your profile is private. I get enough spam shit from random people - I don't need more.If I don't know who you are - it's not likely that I'll see your snapshot in your avatar and say, " Oh goodness - I must use this model!"I love long walks on a moonlit beach... dragging the remains of those who randomly request free photoshoots in a plastic bag.
Currently, I'm shooting editorials, tests, and some commercial work. I almost always book commercial and editorials through agents. If you want to test with me - please be cool enough to just ask about rates... rather than dazzle me with webcam pics and tell me how perfect you'd be for the job.
If you actually are a very hot and established model or actor - agency developed, world travelled, willing to do what's needed to get the shot, then drop me a " Yo what's up?" email.
I have a lovely girlfriend ( the model above ). She's a model and photographer. She's hot and really skinny - kinda like an attractive string bean - well, if string beans were.... oh you get the point. So there's no alterior motives.
------------Now that I have lot's of extra room and nothing more that's important to say, here are some random thoughts.-------------
Why do they call them apartments when they're all stuck together?
Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?
Each of us can be thought of as a scoundrel or a saint... it all depends on when we're observed. A friend is someone who sees us as neither.
Best cure for a hangover is taking asprin before crashing... trust me, I have years of experience.
No success or failure is ever final.
Political parties are an illusion that makes us feel like we have some sort of control as to how the country will be run.
What if the Matrix is real? Which pill will you take?
Given that I'm shaped like a hobit - I hope they don't really make us all wear those tight clothes like they do in Star Trek one day.
I fucking hate it when random people on the street tell me to smile - I sometimes try to smile while I'm thinking " Go fuck yourself."
Why do we only believe our worst reviews?
We lose touch with people. If I'm still talking to 10 people in 10 years... I'm doing good. This business tears people apart - we drift around the world, but when we see each other again... it really isn't the same. I hope in 10 years I still feel really close to 10 people I know now.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Someday, when you have to go to the DMV, take a boombox and try to get everyone there to do " The Chicken Dance."
I honestly love driving super long distances. I listen to books on CD... so I appear well read from time to time.
Aqua man must be the most bored of all the superheroes... the Wonder Twins are the most useless. I wish someone would drink the one, cook the other, and shoot the monkey.
Will we look back and remember these as the fun years?
I get freaked out by sushi - even when there's nothing in it that's raw or fishy.
I consider it a curse to go to a city before I move there.
Cold mornings and hot coffee are a perfect match.
Emails that tell you that you're going to hell if you don't forward it to 10 people... could be right. Makes about the same amount of sense as anything I've read in the bible.
If cars ran on nuclear power - people would drive much more carefully.
Is being stupid like being high... all the time?
There. I feel better now.
Also, if you want to send me a friend request - send me an email or something first. I hate trying to figure out who some people are.