Bre♥ profile picture


He said i loved you && i sneezed and said SORRY im allergic to BULL SHIT

About Me

So the names Breanna I just moved out of the rents house and im living with the sweetest roomate ever she freakin awesome. Im pretty quiet n shy when we first meet then after that i can get really loud :) I hate liars they piss me off so if your a lair dont talk to me! I absolutley hate fake bitches they act so nice to your face then turn around and talk shit behind your back. If you gotta problem with me then say it to my face.i love music. i love movies. i love to read. espcially romance novels, im such a sucker for romance lol. i have the most amazing friends in the world and if i were you i would be jealous cause my friends kick ASS. IM NOT WHORE so if your thinking that im the type of girl who fucks any guy that comes my way your wrong i have more respect for my self than that so if your lookin to "have fun" look somewhere else im not your girl. Im not your average skinny girl i got some meat on my bones and im proud of it cause thats how god made me. I tend to have a short temper if you piss me off your going to know it. I have two jobs. and i have my own car obiviously i got a lisence. I have a lot of self respect for my self and morals i believe that you should'nt sleep with a bunch of guys and think that your cool cause your not you need to grow up and get some respect. I believ in love and finding the right guy to be with for the rest of my life if you wanna know anything else about me feel free to ask!

My Interests

Take the quiz:
What Playboy Bunny are You?PICZ!!!

Black and Red
Hott...You are black and red PlayBoy bunny!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

Im so sick of the fuckin game stupid little boys like to play FUCK BOYS...I need a real man


I like a whole bunch of music... anything that has a good beat I like... rock♥ rap♥ R&B♥ Punk rock♥


The movies i love the most is Blade all 3... dazed and confused... underworld 1&2... bruce allmighty... chicago... bridgetj jones diary 1&2... and more


I love T.V its addicting My fav shows are for sure
Law&order SUV&CI
theres more but i cant think of them


I like all daneil steel books i like to read mary higgings clark books to and anything else that looks good i will read that to
I love romance novels Im deff. a sucker for raomance novels
This Image Is From *


My hero is my dad hes been through alot and hes so strong and he sticks up for me when my mom or my sister begin to yell or be a bitch to me I love you daddy!

My Blog

This goes out to my girls

So last night i was thinkin how lucky i am to have such amazing friends so i decided that this blog would be dedacated to them Kayla- Your friggin amazing lol i have so much fun with you when we hang ...
Posted by Bre♥ on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 09:26:00 PST

Deserveing better than you’ll ever be

So i have to get this off my chest IM FUCKING OVER YOU BITCH! Im Finaly feeling good about my self i dont need him in my life anymore im so over him I deserve someone who calls me beautiful and not se...
Posted by Bre♥ on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:17:00 PST