Take the quiz:
What Playboy Bunny are You?PICZ!!!
Black and Red
Hott...You are black and red PlayBoy bunny!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Im so sick of the fuckin game stupid little boys like to play FUCK BOYS...I need a real man
I like a whole bunch of music... anything that has a good beat I like... rock♥ rap♥ R&B♥ Punk rock♥
The movies i love the most is Blade all 3... dazed and confused... underworld 1&2... bruce allmighty... chicago... bridgetj jones diary 1&2... and more
I love T.V its addicting
My fav shows are for sure
Law&order SUV&CI
theres more but i cant think of them
I like all daneil steel books i like to read mary higgings clark books to and anything else that looks good i will read that to
I love romance novels Im deff. a sucker for raomance novels
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My hero is my dad hes been through alot and hes so strong and he sticks up for me when my mom or my sister begin to yell or be a bitch to me I love you daddy!