They say that behind every GREAT man, there is a GREATER woman and that is exactly who Lady Assassins are. They are the GREAT women that support and are the back bone to the Sound Assassins. For those that don't know, Lady Assassins began as a joke between Sound Assassins CEO DJ FISH & the CO-CEO's of Lady Assassin. Little did we know how far it would span. I see the Sound Assassins/Lady Assassins family are taking over the New Jersey area by storm. (Shot out to the College Lady Assassins!!) Now lets see if we can make the ENTIRE TRI-STATE area know our names!!! Interested in booking one of the DJ'S, send message or just show some luv and send a comment. For More Info On Any Parties or DJ Bookings for Our Sound Assassins Call (917) 217-8326 or AOL / AIM - CeoLadyAssassins
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They say that behind every GREAT man, there is a GREATER woman and that is exactly who Lady Assassins are. They are the GREAT women that support and are the back bone to the Sound Assassin... Posted by on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 23:00:00 GMT