James E. Greeley of Hopi-Warm Springs-Wasco. Founder and pioneer of Native American media for Natives Americans, and Native American Flutist 15 years. I've put to rest my explicit activities to live my dream one day at a time. Now I just use that same energy with my business ventures. Making magic with visual arts and keeping it real with my Supernatural destiny!
I strive for healthy lifestyle that's content, knowing where I'm from with actknowledgement to where I've been, to go forward and not backwards, to not waste time being your own worst enemy! Love yourself, pray, have hope, believe, and watch for the signs/blessings from the Supernatural! My Work/Helping myself/others are the same thing and others will help you! Mistakes are lessons and not punishment! My Ancestors have never given up on me, and I know I have turned my back on them countless times, but they are truly the reason why I find a means to Honor life and recall to be a Human Being! In this world we have people that suffer without any breaks in life and one day you may have to save someone! Because that's just the way it is with your true family and friends! Yours truly to continue inner peace: HopiFlutist.com