GrimFang profile picture


My Goblin lunch didn't agree with me... So I ate him!

About Me

I am GrimFang - Gnoll outcast and wanderer. Listen, for this is my story. Hear it and know it for truth.I was the runt of the litter and because of this I am tough, had to be. As a young pup I honed my fighting skills and overcame my weaknesses or compensated for them to become a Gnoll warrior.As I grew I showed an aptitude and understanding for the mystic aspects of my packs beleifs. They say I spoke with the unseen and heard the spirits (and the fact that I would ask questions always pestering our shaman) so the he took to teaching me the ways of his kind. Life was looking good.Then the dark days came.I would say now, that the cause of my exile may have been the speed of learning and my potential for power. My mentor may have been threatened by that or the fact that his clumsy plots for selfish gain and power needed a subject to divert the scrutiny, blame and punnishment. Not only did the pack beleive that I was the reason the cheifs only surviving son sickened and died from wounds to small to be fatal and that I was the one enfeebling the cheifs brain but also that I was intereasted in stealing his mate and claiming leadership over the clan.No one beleived my innocence and there was to much false evidence against me to keep them loyal. I was forcibly cast out. My challange unanswered as the coward Shaman would not even face me in combat.An outcast exile, I wandered the waistlands for a time...One day while wandering through unfarmiliar land, exploring an expance of ruins, I heard a sound the likes of which I had never experienced before. It was not easily describable and to call it music would be far from a proper description. I investigated and discovered it came from a strange instrament a human was singing along to as he played. To my ear it was more sound than words and very pleasant. I aproached to curious to be cautious for in my excitment I forgot the advice I was told, that humans can be dangerous.At the sight of me the human just nodded and offered me a seat. He explained to me in common that had a strange accent he was a bard and he played to all the high kings and common peoples of many lands. He was amiable and friendly and his way made me feel welcome. He had the idea that if I learned manners and spoke common better I might find a better place in the world and face less opposition. I thought why not, the lessons were challenging and passed the time. It enabled me to study humans up close. He tought me many things that surprised me and abollished many false ideas I had of the human world most of all he tought me friendship.After a long while we parted comapny. He needed to return to a vast city, to performe before a king and I was not inclined to visit such a place yet. I hope to see him again someday.Wandering alone again a while I discovered I was being tracked by a band of goblins. The raiders were following me, thinking me easy prey alone and out numbered as I was. I allowed them to attack first and then explained my displeasure to them by surprising them and killing many of the vile diminuative greenskins. Aparently my warriors skill and my command of mystik powers impreased them, the cheif most of all. They made terms of and I joined them.Raiding and exploring the territory the Goblin raiders held was somewhat profitable and for a time mildly amusing, though after a while the goblins became increasingly beligerant and their manner intollerable. I found them foul and will admit no hesitation in letting them know of my displeasure at this. They were relying to much upon my abileties and not their own. They did not behave as a pack should. I desided to move on.I went before the cheif to settle up and break with them amiably. He had other ideas and thought he could keep me by force and nunbers. How mistaken he was! A fight erupted and the battle was short because they were only a raiding party. I was furrious with their audasity and had worked up quite an apitite killing them all.I was surprised to find that goblin meat is more tollerable than the creatures themselves and my belly was full for a time.

Myspace Layouts at / Bewere

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I never MEAT a Goblin I don't like. I would like a chance at vengence against my Old Shaman mentor, a turnpelt named ScarHide. I know it would be a reward as empty as his heart.I would like to meet the Fey, such spirited creatures are they.Beings who are their RPG/LRPG personas more than 50% of the time.

My Blog

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