I'm generally happy, a little bit crazy...ok so a lot crazy, i go clubbing way WWAAYYY too much lol,some would say i live at arq.. i love my friends but am very selective about who gets to carry that tittle...people are awesome but oh so untrustworthy.....i havent had many real friends in my life...my group at the moment are the most amazing intersting fun fantastic ppl in the world!.....i don't like 2 faced ppl.. i love clubbing...i love dancing...i love music...i like the unordinary.. no i looove the unordinary...making myself think way too hard! I've just completed my Reiki III and its..amazing!..i like trying new thing yet i get scared easily..i loooove 2 push my bounaries...anything!..i'll test it..and if I think we've been to far, i'm sure matt will make us push some more!...im pretty determined..lets say very determined...im incredibly indecisive-i think....lol i love cher!..true diva.. i let other people influence me..to much perhaps?? i am driven by the not wanting to fail...yet can be sooo unmotivated! im not sure what i want out of life but know exactly who i dont want to be wat i do knoe...i want money, sucess and power....most of all i want happiness..i want to empower people, I want to help raise consciouness and be surrounded with happy people oozing positive energy... i want to and do feed off other peoples passions, energy and emotions..those that are on the same level as me in the same head space...iwant to reach that higher frequency!! im passionate about things i believe in...... i won't take no for an answer...
i believe there is no randomness in this world... i am easily distracted....and get bored way too often!...i believe people write their own stories...and there is more to life then we could ever imagine...other worlds...other places....other dimensions..parallel universes..(i did mention i may be slighty crazy right lol)... i also believe some people will get to experience the unknown, in some way or another........some will accept it, some will deny it exists, and some will embrace it, and those people will lead the most fulfilling, amazing lives we could ever possibly imagine....i fuly intened to be one of those people..
"everything that happens, happens for a reason"
"never judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes...that way when u judge them your a mile away and u have their shoes" lol
"Don't go where the path may lead, go where there is no path and create a trail"..
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