So damn sweet candy uses candice as a nickname

About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Allow me to introduce myself to all of u who haven't had the devine pleasure of knowin me my name is candice... But before I go any further let me put a few things straight. I am here for 3 reasons and 3 reasons only
1) to meet potential friends
2) to kill some time
3) and to chat with myspace finest
In case I didn`t make it clear I am not interested in meeting up with any of u bored lonely niccas I have better things to do den to entertain foolish people who are only here for one purpose, which is to meet females who are interested in casual sex...So if that is what u are interested in leave now because if your trying to get at me dat way u are wasting your time as well as mine. And to all u hataz i aint got time for that ish eitha so if that is your purpose for stopping by u can get da f%*k on cuz I will not waste my time trading insults with u.
I currently live in Virgina where I attend NSU. I enjoy spending time with friends, reading, learning new things (especially about myself), clubbin, chillen, and basically anyting thats fun. I`m can be a variety of things but at all times I am just me, as real as they come. I am not disrespectful to anyone and very few people are disrespectful toward me. I take pride in being laid back and original and please believe dere is nothing fake about me I take good care of myself and refuse to except n-e-thang less from anyone else.
What I look 4 in a friend
1)Must be able to hold an educated convo.
2)Must be self-confident(not concieted there is a big difference)
3)Must be able to kick back and chill.
4)Must be thoughtful and understanding;and thats pretty much it.
If I were looking for a man...these r the qualities I would look for...
*The most important: he must understand the power of God and acknowledge and respect all that he has done....
..1) He must be a friend first.
..2)He must neva compromise that friendship.
..3)There must be some sort of physical attraction(I need something nice 2 look at and talk 2)
..4)He must respect me and remain faithful not just physically, but with mind, body, and soul.
..5) And he must understand that I will be all those things to him.
*notice money, jewelery, cars, and other materialistic things were not mentioned...all those things I can get for myself....I am not impressed by how much money a man makes, but rather how much of an effort he is willing to make.

My Interests


..1) "Never put your eggs in one basket" (basically never place your hopes on 1 idea, event, or person....have something to fall back on.)

..2) Never completely trust anyone but the Lord (even if one`s intentions are good they are still human and therefore capable of mistakes.)

..3)Never allow another`s perspective of you dictate who you are or what you become in life.

..4) Get an education (you can`t do anything productive or legal without it.)

..5) Don`t allow one disappointment or set-back cause you to give up on your dreams (if its worth dreamin its worth achievin, and most importantly workin for)

..6) Be your own person, don`t fall into anyone`s category or stereotype. (Find who you are, discover who you wanna be, and never allow anyone ie. the media, belittle that image or allow you to think its not good enough)

..7) If someone breaks your heart, charge it to the game, never take it out on the next one because everyone is not the same. (Grow from it, take what you need from that relationship and leave the rest where its at, in the PAST)

..8) No one said life was easy, and if they did they weren`t living your life (so never think that life is over because its always just beginning.)

..9) Never feel all alone, or as though no one loves you (it doesn`t matter who you are or what you`ve done there is someone out there who loves you more than anything) TRUST.

..10) If your gonna do something, do it because you love to, because its a passion, but never because someone else did it and it worked for them. (Remember everyone is different and just because life gives one person one thing doesn`t mean you`ll have the same results)

..11) Go with your instincts and tap into your intuitions, usually its never wrong (when something doesn`t seem right, it usually isn`t)

..12) Never lay down until you`re prepared to rise with the consequences, such as a baby, or a std, (Sex is powerful its the reason you`re here, respect that, its like any other addiction, when abused, it ruins you and the people you love)

..13) Never ever judge someone for what they have done or for who they are, (You can say "never" or "not me" all day but the reality of the situation is with a few twist of fate and nature, you could have easily been that person or made the decision they made) Remember that!!

..14)You will never know what you want or who you want until you know who you are.

..15) Never set your goals too low where you`ve let go of something you`ve always wanted, or too high where you`ll never be able to obtain it and inevitably never feel successful or fulfillment in life.

..16) Listen to others who`ve came before you......they have been where you`re at and can help with where you`re going.

..17) Don`t believe everything you hear....find out for the research, (but if it can avoid pain such as good advice, TAKE IT)

..18)Everyone who claims to be your friend isn`t and everyone who you think is against you isn`t either. (People who truly care about you are there to tell you the truth when it hurts, there to lend an ear when you need to talk, and most importantly they are THERE)

..19) Sometimes you can`t learn from other`s mistakes, sometimes you make your own, but the smartest thing you can do is to learn from that and pass that knowledge on to someone else.

20)Sometimes learning from your mistakes isn`t enough....sometimes you must also correct your wrongs or else risk the chance of repeating your mistake or suffering from the consequences of it over and over again.

21) Patience and procrastination are two totally different things, learn the difference between the 2......good things come to those who wait but great things happen to those who go and get it for themselves.....make it happen....don't wait for it to happen to u, or that day may never come!!!

I hope that anyone who sees this takes a little of it with them....and hopefully you can share your experiences with another as well.
