Will profile picture


Missing America

About Me

From Atlanta, live in Killeen now but spend my weekends in Austin....Yea, that was me before I left for Iraq in October 06, Now I live in Taji Iraq, but i'm not a FOBBITT I live with the locals and hunt at night.

My Interests

Sports namely Football, working out, kayaking, dancing and reading... I still care about that stuff but my only interest is getting all my guys back home alive.

I'd like to meet:

My family and friends when I come back home!


Back home I would drive truck and blast some Journey, Keith Urban or Johnny Cash now I listen AK-47's, IED and Vbied's.


Top Gun, Rocky's, Dances with Wolves, River Runs Through It, Walk the Line, Gladiator, Program, and many more.


ESPN, Daily show, Colbert Report, Chappelle show, Family guy, Flip This House, Deadliest Catch


Gates of Fire, Lords of Discipline, Power of One.


My Dad... Every one in the Army (not the Navy or Air Force!) because we are busting our butt's 24/7 over here so the rest of America can sleep safely back home with out a care in the world. God Bless the Troops!