So this is the section where people spill their life stories on a computer screen canvas. I can't do that simply because most people dont have enough memory on there hard drive to support my book. Also not to mention, no one ever reads this! To break it down in its most simple format, I'm a 22 going on 23 year old dude still trying to figure his life out. I have a great family with two amazing nephews and one beautiful neice, a "cool as hell" sister thats married to a dork of an italian. A war hero brother with a wife half his age. (not really, luv ya sarah) Parents that supplied everything I ever wanted or needed. A set of friends that always have my back and support when it comes to getting crunked. and a beautiful girlfriend that's an amazingly awsome new addition to my life.
Recently I joined the Air Force to try out for Pararescue. Thats just what the new chapter of my life involves. I love music, listening and playing it. BIA 4 life suckas. .. yeah so I guess Ill wrap this short story up.
feeel free to leave one! -JayTimes aka justin..