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Fun questions, not too long but not too short!
Age: ?
sex: male
hair: brown
About you
Funny/seriouse: funni
loud/quiet: depends
naughty/goodie 2 shoes: middle
goodgrades/bad: good most of the time
Would you rather.....
burn your tounge or get a brain freeze?: brain freeze
break your leg or your arm?: arm
Swim in nasty, smelly, rotten trash or dead squid?: neither
slide down a slide of nails, or roll around in glass?: glass
Get cancer or AIDS?: cancer
Fall of stage when preforming or sing a wrong note & be laughed @?: wrong note
embarred by farting inclass or burping while talking in front of the class: burping
get grounded for 2 months or get dumped in front of the whole grade?: dumped
be paralized or be retarded?: paralized
be called anerxic/belemic or called a fatass pig?: neither
be bitten by a shark b in a wheel chair or have ur body b burned and ugly?: bitten by shark
lose your best friends or all your pets?: neither
have your mom or dad die?: neither
break a glass and have it slice your hand open or step on a bunch of nails?: slice hand
have your back ache or you neck?: nack
have a migrane or a hurt tailbone?: hurt tailbone
lose your tv or your computer?: tv
have your house be haunted or have voices in your head?: haunted
be raped or abused/beat?: raped
What is the first thing you think of when u see these words?
tall: building
pink: girl
trapeeze: zoo
dog: cat
toenail: nasty
rabies: dog
mailman: mail car
red: blood
pure: angle
bowl: fish
tub: water
name: alex
web: computer
phobia: fear
popcorn: movie
sleepover: fun
daisy: yellow
Say one word to describe, or one word based on your opinion.
Taxes: money
John Kerry: white
President Bush: funni
Living with your BF/GF w/o marriage: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
abortion: bad
reality shows: kool
pop quizes: unkool
owning pets: ok
animal testing: bad
dark eyeliner: ugly
drunk driving: dumb
books/reading: boring
Teenage pregnancy: dumbass
reptiles ( snakes, turtles, lizards etc...): kill
Sunday nights: tv
Monday mornings: skool
This or that?
carpet/tile: tile
pens/pencils: pen
e-mail/regular mail: e-mail
cars/SUVS: cars
republican/democrat/dont care/ inbetween: dont care
letters/numbers: numbers
funny/seriouse: funni
loud/quiet: both
planning ahead/ right this moment: right this moment
soda/water: water
mechanical pencils/regular: mechanical
watching moveis at home/ teature: teature
normal chips/ those baked ones: normal
curly/straight: dont care
gay/straight: straight
accelerate/slow down: accelerate
reality shows/soap operas/normal: normal
pantene shampoo/ Aussie/ L'oreal: Axe
colone/ or none: colone
makeup/or none: dont care
dry/wet: dry
hot/cold: cold
night/day: both
travel by:airplanes/cars: plane
night T.V shows/ day T.V shows: night
comedy/thriller/drama/terror: comedy/thriller
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