Clarinet Queen profile picture

Clarinet Queen

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Mrs. Gardner and I teach band, orchestra and piano at CHS. I almost live at school because I am SO dedicated to the music program. I have three children, who are ALL in college - my oldest son just graduated with his Master's degree from UF, my middle son is at FSU majoring in music, and my baby daughter is at UF as a freshman.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in making music, especially middle/high school music students and teachers.

Band Geek's Anthem
Your Instrument
What instrument do you play in band?: I'm the teacher - whoo-hoo
For how long have you owned your instrument?: which one????
Does your instrument have a name?: yes - all of them CAME WITH A NAME
If so, what is it?: Piano is my main instrument
Are you familiar with your instrument's model number?: Heck no - it's written down somewhere
Do you bedeck your instrument with tinsel/ribbon for Christmas parades?: I'd like to see someone do that with a piano
Do you love your instrument?: very, very much
Marching Band
Are you in Varsity Marching Band?: I'm the teacher - whoo-hoo
What are your school colors?: Black/orange
Is marching band practice the best part of your day?: oh yeah!
Can you still play last year's field show by memory?: I can sing it REAL GOOD
Have you ever actually had to pay to get into a football game?: Back in the day, before I was the TEACHER
At the games, are there more supporters of the band than the football team?: Surely the band receives the most support...
Have you ever slipped and fallen during a field show?: Nope
Have you ever played noticeably in a rest during a field show?: Nope - I'm in the pressbox with my fingers crossed!
Do you know all of the stand songs by heart?: YES
Do you ever actually pay attention to the football game?: No, except to know when we have the ball
Have you ever lost your instrument among the bleachers at a game?: I don't bring it to the game, guess why....
Have you ever dropped something underneath the stands?: YES, I don't trust anyone who hasn't
Have you worn your uniform or band polo anywhere besides band functions?: I don't go anywhere else (except church)
If so, did you wear it with pride?: Always
What is the longest parade you have ever marched in?: Cocoa/Rockledge Christmas Parade
Were you disappointed when it was over?: yes - just this past year
Even though it was freezing out and your feet were killing you?: WE LIVE IN FLORIDA - can't relate to the ?
Have you ever fainted/suffered from heat exhaustion during a parade?: No, but many students look ready to pass out
Do you know your band's cadence by heart?: We all do, right?
Do you hum your favorite marching band tunes at inappropriate moments?: There is no inappropriate moment (except church)
Does your uniform actually fit?: Don't wear one, guess why
Can you change into it in three minutes flat without any help?: Well, I change for the game but nobody helps
Does your hat come with a feathered plume?: our band wears beautiful Shakos with plumes
If so, have you grown emotionally attached to it?: Yeah, except when they fuzz out
What brand are your marching shoes?: Dinkos
How comfortable are they on a scale of 1 to 10?: Very comfortable - I keep telling the kids this
Band Camp
Is band camp the highlight of your summer?: YES
How many days until band camp?: check my counter thingy on myspace
Does your school have any band camp traditions?: not yet - hmmm, good idea...
Have you ever learned an entire show during band camp week?: THIS WILL BE THE YEAR
Have you ever started a relationship at band camp?: I have a wonderful relationship with each and every child....
Have you ever ended a relationship at band camp?: Do you mean have I kicked a kid out of band? Well....
What do you do in your free time?: Free time from band? Sleep, church job, clean house
What are your thoughts on band camp food?: Man, who gets to eat at band camp?
Has the drumline ever woken the entire camp with the cadence at 4:30 a.m.?: Well, we don't go away for band camp, not yet anyway...
Do you stay in cabins?: I stay in West Cocoa, over by I-95
If so, are they nice and accomodating or downright unpleasant?: My home is a castle
Do your cabins get inspected?: My husband always tells me the house needs cleaning
Have you ever failed a cabin inspection?: Nope, and never have run out of toilet paper in 25 years of marriage
Have you ever kissed someone at band camp?: probably - don't remember. my hubby, my son or my daughter
What is your favorite band camp memory?: Kids teaching me how to march
Do you enjoy the bus ride to and from band camp?: I just drive up to the school...
Are you sad when camp ends and you have to go home?: Yes
When you start walking, do you always use your left foot?: Yes, it's scary
Do you and your friends walk in step with each other in the hallway?: Yes, it's scary
Do you sing your band music in the shower?: Yes, it's scary
Have you ever been called a band geek?: Yes, I love it
If so, did you take it as a compliment?: Most certainly
Have you ever practiced roll-stepping on the way to class?: I stay in the same room all day - but I do it at home
Have you ever been drum major or section leader?: I'M THE TEACHER - whoo-hoo!!!!!
Have you ever had a solo in band?: Whenever I want, guess why
If so, did you practice obsessively in the week before the performance?: I love to practice - don't need a reason!
Do you know most of your band's chants/cheers?: Yes!!!
Do you play more than one instrument?: Yes
If so, what other instruments do you play?: clarinet, violin, keyboard, handbells
Do you actually practice all of your instruments every day?: no way
Do you know the name and chair of every member of your section?: YES
Do you feel more comfortable in the band room than in your own house?: I'm equally comfortable in both places
Have you ever randomly started conductly while in a crowded hallway?: I do it everywhere - it comes quite naturally - guess why?
Are you obsessed with band?: YES!
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You've been totally Bzoink*d


anything but country...alright, well a little bit of country.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Madagascar, Napoleon Dynamite


Desperate Housewives, ER, Grey's Anatomy


Gotta admit, I love the Harry Potter books, and yes, I finished the last book within two days of publication.


My hardworking students - they make it fun to go to work!

My Blog

No More Dance - bye, Liz!

My darling Liz just danced in her last Dussich Dance Recital.  Wow, she has been dancing there since she was 4 years old.  For 14 years I have been going to her recitals - watching four 3-ho...
Posted by Clarinet Queen on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:43:00 PST

What I'm doing right now

Well, I am just not good at figuring out how to make this whole thing look better.  My sweet baby Liz is at dance so she can't help me.  My lips hurt from practicing clarinet Now I'm goin...
Posted by Clarinet Queen on Thu, 25 May 2006 06:59:00 PST