This seems so creepily disingenuous, this whole social networking thing. Yuck. I definitely caved to peer pressure on this one. But bear with my clumsy attempts at social connection and we'll both win in the end, you turd.
Here's some pertinent stuff about me:
I like parties, comedy, cats, alcohol, British accents, Dr. Pepper in a can with a straw and NOT in a plastic bottle, sleeping 10 hours or more a day, roller skates, Barbara Kruger, spontaneous intricate song & dance sequences, thinking about how cool it's going to be when I finally figure out how to knit, Brooklyn Friendships (TM), sending postcards through the mail, Olivia Newton-John, iconography, getting presents, old school rap and talking about the movie "Problem Child".
I do NOT like insincerity, insomnia, sopping wet bathroom rugs, rudeness, Teva sandals, use of the horrid phrase "make love", karaoke microphone spitters, warped wooden chopsticks, wind that fucks up my hair, people that insist on referring to sandwiches as "wraps", being given roses when there are lillies readily available, and people who do not like to talk about the movie "Problem Child".
Furthermore, I collect vintage ELO t-shirts, Girl Scout Badges, Mary Fleener comix, and unfulfilling, yet ultimately fun laced relationships.
In closing, and I never thought I'd say this, I'm really glad I cut all my hair off for the first time since 1999, be it vain or no. I know, I know.
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