Monster In Mittens [Trailer]
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"Niggaz gettin killed, bitchez gettin fucked, drugs bein sold and my moneyz gettin UP!"
Traumedy is known as the most ignorant and most infamously talked about cat in the industry period. Simply because He is! Traumedy, being the only rapper in History to get thrown out the industry! "Who gets thrown out the Industry?" He does...that's who! Traumedy is known for his unforgettable works such as the controversial, multi-platinum "The Silent Album" ...that's right! "The Silent Album".... NO, it's not an instrumental album , His shit was just too ignorant to be recorded! So they simply took the lyrics out!
After taking a 5 year hiatus "He's back...and He's Black!, He's "More Ignorant Than Before!", "He's THE MONSTER IN MITTENS" , and He's on Myspace!
Trauma Tales: Izzy Maxwell-Syrup & Noodles
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. : : BIOGRAPHY : : .
Dorchester native, Traumedy (Traumorpheaus DiFawndre Jones) brought his ignorant ass into this world on March 22, 1983. He was born with a full-grown Beard, Bandana's, Bad grammar, and BEEF!
"Genesis of Ignorance" Traumedy a product of the "Crystal Geyser" [CG] housing development, he was unable to escape his environment and by the tender age of 10 he had already served two consecutive life sentences at "Alpine Bay Prison".
While Traumedy was serving time in Alpine, he had been reunited with 'Sweaty Palms' an childhood friend from 'CG' development. The two formed a rap group with other inmates, they called themselves 'CGC' or otherwise known as "Crystal Geyser Clique" , Traumedy was released from Alpine three weeks later, and the group known as 'CGC' broke up due to indifference.
Traumedy, was a youth with an un-measurable amount of talent and potential, but there was nobody there to nurture it. By the age of 14 Traumedy had dropped out of school...well actually he was thrown out.
Traumedy had tried to put that life behind him and make a new start, so he went back to school and got his G.E.D. which had enabled him to get a job at an high rise office building downtown, and soon another position had oppened up.... "robbing people with jobs" , this is how Traumedy met Tyrone Maxwell a/k/a "Ty"; a 'B.A.R.B.L.' (Boston Almost Regional Basketball League) coach. Traumedy had attempted to rob Tyrone, but Tyrone had saw the potential of greatness inside of Traumedy and took him in. Soon he began to train with Ty's B.A.R.B.L. team 'The Bang-Gang' ....Traumedy was bangin' on niggaz, on and off the courts, but especially off the courts!
Traumedy was well known for his shit talking abilities . Ty, saw this as another major opportunity, so he had introduced Traumedy to his younger brother Izzy Maxwell ; who was an aspiring producer, rapper, model and an ignorant ass nigg' , who also liked to talk shit, the two immediately hit it off and the rest is Nearly 6 years had passed since Traumedy had been reunited with his fellow Alpine prison counterpart, and childhood friend 'Sweaty Palms'. Traumedy had received a letter one day from 'Palms', suggesting that he should move to New York, so that they could give it one last shot at some music shit together. Traumedy moved to New York at 17 to pursue his music career, finally he had a hope, and a reason not to kill.
Traumedy's "raw authentic realness" , had contributed a lot to his success, but in the end 'Sweaty Palms' just couldn't seem to make the cut, so in the end the record label had decided to cut Palms. As you could imagine, this created major tension between the two, since the label never officially told Palms.
Traumedy had told Palms that he was going to the store one day, and he simply never returned!
The hood was talking, and Palms was definitely listening. "Yo Palms, how Trauma gonna' diss you like that fam?" , "whats good with you and Traum, niggie?" , "Traumedy shitted in your palms, b' " . "In an industry of many enemies, Traumedy had managed to make one more Palms!"
(to be continued)
. : : NEWS & PRESS : : .
"'Trauma Unit'...It's more than Music, it's about the Mittens!"
"Will the Ignorance ever stop? Do you know Traumedy?" -VYBE
"We love it, we hate it... "WE CAN'T GET ENOUGH!"
-The Score
"This Dude hates what we hate!" -Muzik Pages
"The Silent Album was a classic...but 'Trauma Unit', "It's deeper than the swears or the beats, it's a movement of Ignorance...and we love it!" -Real Hip-Hop
"You don't know nothing about nothing....until you hear what he knows!"
-Rolling Rock
"Traumedy.... you can't spell "Hip-Hop" without HIM!" -Rap Mag
"Two Words and Two Thumbs....DOWN! Mitten Massacre!" -Muted M.I.C.
Trauma Tales: Izzy Maxwell-The Silent Album
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***NEW MIXTAPE (10/17/06)***
Traumedy camp releases NEW Mixtape "Crack 4 Kidz, Mittens 4 B**ches"
1. Mind on My Mittens
2. Buy A Gun
3. Who? (feat. Poncio)
4. Grills, Guns and Hoes (feat. M3C)
5. F*** Your Life (part 2) (feat. Skitz & Gravel)
6. The B**ches Anthem...B.I.T.C.H. (feat. 1 Dawg)
7. Gimmie SOme Snacks
8. Beat a B**ch (feat. Norone & The F.A.M.E.)
9. This Lil' Fist of Mine
10. 1 Less Hoe to Hit!
11. Top of The Hub
12. F*** That Sh** (remix)
13. Hate in My Heart (feat. Tako Sawce, Nyfe & Kyll)
14. Nah Mean...Nah Uh, Hoe!
15. Kick, Push (remix)
16. Hoe 4 Sho (feat. Lil' Maw)
17. D.T.P. [Don't Touch Puss] (feat. Cole Slaw)
18. Myspace, My Hoes
19. The Biscuit Song
20. Talk 2 Tha Gun
***Bonus Trax***
"Sandal Scandal" [Exclusive]
"Back 2 Tha BAY" (South Bay Anthem)
"Crack 4 Kidz, Mittens 4 B**ches!"