Nathan profile picture


Drown me in Ketchup and Mustard.. lick me

About Me

Hi chaps my name is Nathan, but most people just call me Chip since thats short for Nathan. I'd say i am a solid 5'8 with pretty buff arms. I dunno if these guns are legal in this state if u kno what i mean. All the ladies dig my unique style of wearing white t shirts that are filled with ketchup and mustard stains with a hint of relish for contrast of the vibrant colors of red and yellow. I'm just so darn edible!!!This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
Name: Nathan/Chip/Nate Dogg
Birthday: 5/18/87
Birthplace: uterus
Current Location: outside of your window
Eye Color: baby blue
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5 foot 8 give or take a few millimeters
Right Handed or Left Handed: ambidextrous
Your Heritage: Eskimo/caucasian
The Shoes You Wore Today: Keds velcros
Your Weakness: my e.d. (viagra helps)
Your Fears: I will never find my true love
Your Perfect Pizza: ham and turkey deep dish
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get some nice ass dome
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Ahaha good one
Thoughts First Waking Up: How will i get to the bathroom and get past my mom without her noticing my erection
Your Best Physical Feature: I'll have to go with my Massive piece down below 3.5
Your Bedtime: well.. it varies.. depends if its a weeknight or weekend..
Your Most Missed Memory: all the times my hermit crab, Billy, pooped on my hand
Pepsi or Coke: Neither.. can a brother get a little Shop Rite in the house?
MacDonalds or Burger King: MacDonalds.. my place of employment
Single or Group Dates: Group dates = group sex
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: gay?
Chocolate or Vanilla: they say once u go black, you never go back
Cappuccino or Coffee: Decaf maxwell house
Do you Smoke: Smoke a little drink a little
Do you Swear: im not allowed
Do you Sing: not in front of people.. i blush a lot
Do you Shower Daily: 4 times a week.. MAx.
Have you Been in Love: never.. i still hold out a little hope though
Do you want to go to College: mad bitches
Do you want to get Married: if she knows how to please me
Do you belive in yourself: i dunno
Do you get Motion Sickness: yea i throw up like everywhere
Do you think you are Attractive: only on good hair days
Are you a Health Freak: look at my pictures.. what do u think?
Do you get along with your Parents: if they didnt abandon me when i was 8 years old.. then yea
Do you like Thunderstorms: sometimes
Do you play an Instrument: naa. i wish though.. musicians get all the chicks
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: if you consider rubbing alcohol being slipped into your hot chocolate by a good friend.. then yea
In the past month have you Smoked: for my glaucoma.. medical purpose
In the past month have you been on Drugs: well when i went into cardiac arrest from the combination of mcdonalds fatness and the rubbing alcohol incident.. they put me on some morphine. also that time i had an attempted date rape
In the past month have you gone on a Date: in my dream last night
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: to eat at friendlys.. i love their monster mash sundaes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: i ahd to finish off those halloween oreos from last year. before they got all stale
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: never
In the past month have you been on Stage: stage fright
In the past month have you been Dumped: i dumped in the toilet
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: thats not possible with my obesity
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: some q-tips from my friend's mom's bathroom
Ever been Drunk: two words: rubbing alcohol
Ever been called a Tease: nope dont believe so
Ever been Beaten up: i got jumped when i was leaving mcdonalds one day by this gang of african americans who thought i was lookin at their girlfriends the wrong way.. when in reality all i was doing was touching myself behind the cash register
Ever Shoplifted: no sir
How do you want to Die: poison
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: regional manager of Mcdonalds
What country would you most like to Visit: my homeland of yakestonia
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: personally.. i liek green
Favourite Hair Color: redheads all the way
Short or Long Hair: as short as possible.. that way they shed less
Height: any height
Weight: anything as long as u can handle me sitting on ur lap and not being crushed by the pure fat
Best Clothing Style: Mostly al black clothing.. some chains here.. some dog collars there.. u no how we do
Number of Drugs I have taken: on purpose: none / unaware that i was taking illegal drugs: 3 times that i no of.. plenty of other nightss that are a complete blank in my mind
Number of CDs I own: three: BSB, the Game, and U2
Number of Piercings: Zero right now.. but thats soon to change
Number of Tattoos: I have one from a night where i was drugged by a complete stranger and then went to a tattoo parlor and got the words: "Ricky Fetske owned my ass last night.. literally" inscribed on my chest
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 1: being born

My Interests

Well, my favorite past time would have to be scootering. I mean me and my scooter Heinz have some wild and crazy adventures that are some headturners. Like the one time when we were in the mall and this black guy was making me feel really insecure, I told him to go back to Africa like Marcus Garvey proposed then i got on Heinz and scootered into Sears and all the way home. OMGGG U wanna hear anothe rstory about me and Heinz! We were dared by this big group of goths that roam the mall to go down the escalator together. I got on Heinz and went for it and well i went flying head first and i broke my jaw in 7 places!!! SWEEEEEEETTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Even though i am in stiff competition with him, i would love to meet the oscar meyer weanie.Also, the love of my life.. if you are out there.. i am waiting for u.. i always will.. no matter what.. call my name and ill be there.. we will be together one day.. im sure of this


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IMPORTANT: I dont really watch movies but instead i make them. One time with my friend smirf, we made a video together. It was all hot and steamy and out of this world. I screamed to the top of my longs becasue i just couldnt hold it in anymore. The feeling wa stoo intense so I just let it loose like a goose. A lot of my friends say im gay because i mad ethis video but i dont see what the big huss is i mean it was just a movie of me scootering in the boys locker room showers on a cloud covered autumn evening at Absegami High School.


UnCut on BET!!!! Check it out @ 3 A.M. Mad fat asses and thongs and shit.. Unbelievable stuff.. i wet myself


The GReat Gatsby + Ethan Frome x great expectations/ ivanhoe= HEAVEN .....Make me drool


In all seriousness: the soldiers and troops fighting for us

My Blog

harsh day started out nicley...( my usual stalking) i followed this litle girl home and stared at her all day and night through her room window...and when it rained i screamed her name for countless h...
Posted by Nathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


today.. it was really embarassing.. this girl asked me for a pencil in english class.. and to be a little jokester i said sure, its right here and pointed to the large bulge in my jeans.. she was like...
Posted by Nathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Best Easter Ever!

Hey peeps(haha get it.. like the easter candies). wahts up? how was ur easter? i no mine was pretty awesome. First i woke up at like 9 am to see what the bunny left me.. and boy was i glad. that ni...
Posted by Nathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST