Well, my favorite past time would have to be scootering. I mean me and my scooter Heinz have some wild and crazy adventures that are some headturners. Like the one time when we were in the mall and this black guy was making me feel really insecure, I told him to go back to Africa like Marcus Garvey proposed then i got on Heinz and scootered into Sears and all the way home. OMGGG U wanna hear anothe rstory about me and Heinz! We were dared by this big group of goths that roam the mall to go down the escalator together. I got on Heinz and went for it and well i went flying head first and i broke my jaw in 7 places!!! SWEEEEEEETTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
Even though i am in stiff competition with him, i would love to meet the oscar meyer weanie.Also, the love of my life.. if you are out there.. i am waiting for u.. i always will.. no matter what.. call my name and ill be there.. we will be together one day.. im sure of this
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IMPORTANT: I dont really watch movies but instead i make them. One time with my friend smirf, we made a video together. It was all hot and steamy and out of this world. I screamed to the top of my longs becasue i just couldnt hold it in anymore. The feeling wa stoo intense so I just let it loose like a goose. A lot of my friends say im gay because i mad ethis video but i dont see what the big huss is i mean it was just a movie of me scootering in the boys locker room showers on a cloud covered autumn evening at Absegami High School.
UnCut on BET!!!! Check it out @ 3 A.M. Mad fat asses and thongs and shit.. Unbelievable stuff.. i wet myself
The GReat Gatsby + Ethan Frome x great expectations/ ivanhoe= HEAVEN .....Make me drool
In all seriousness: the soldiers and troops fighting for us