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Travis Lee

I am here for Friends

About Me



Just because the things below are about my relationship with the Lord, this does NOT make me more rightetous than anyone.
. I was born into a family including my sister Tassia, my brother Austin, my mom Nancy, and my dad Jeff. We lived in a moderately big home and were what I consider wealthy. At the age of three my parents divorced. Although i was very young I still remember things. I know that this was very tough on both my parents. Each was in states of being that one could say were not healthy. My Mom, Brother, and Sister had experienced a lot of abuse weather it was physical or mental which was why my mom wanted a divorce.
My mom then raised us. The first year or so on our own was tough. We lived in a crappy apartment and my mom struggled to pay bills. We still continued seeing my dad once a week. There we still got the mental abuse. To me that is much worse. A person’s soul is far more delicate than there body. Anyway things weren’t the easiest I guess.
Then my grandparents bought us a house and things got better. A lot better. My mom began to get things in order and we were living the normal life again. At this time the only person in my family that was Christian was my sister. Below I describe how I came to know the Lord so please read that if you’re interested. From then on we have had a pretty standard life I guess.
Although I am not very old I feel the Lord has first of all put me through a lot and has a huge impact on my life. As stupid as sounds it’s true. In 3rd grade there was a new kid, who eventually became my best friend. One could say him and his siblings were into a lot of bad things. I remember how cool I felt around him. Together we would basically do what ever we wanted. I remember going to his house and drinking alcohol just for fun. I can not explain why I did this but I did. Another thing I was real into was smoking cigarettes. You may be wondering how we would get a hold of cigarettes. Unlike most kids we wouldn’t take them from our parents and what not but we would steal them from a convenient store down the street from my house. One of use would distract all two employees and the others would grab as many as possible. Then we would just go off and smoke them and feel cool I guess. Then he started getting into pot and what not and I just couldn’t do that. I guess I wasn’t man enough to take that kind of risk. Anyway after about two or three years of this lift style things started to change.
I was also really big into skateboarding. My best friend and I were always skating together. Then I began hanging out with my brother’s friend Zach who is my brother’s age and his little brother who is my age. They both had relationships with the Lord and came from a Christian home. I began skating with them just about everyday I could. During that time I would curse and just do average things that unsaved kids do. They would point out to me things the bible taught and that the things I was doing were wrong. I went to church with them a few times but didn’t take much out of it.
Then one day my mom was inside Kings shopping and my Brother, Zach, Ryan and I were sitting in the car waiting. I believe this was about two and a half years ago. Anyway I just had lots of questions about why they were, well the way they were. They explained and I listened. Then I asked Zach, “How do I accept Jesus?” He said, “Close your eyes, and pray, first off thank God for sending his Son to die for your sins. Then he told me to tell the Lord I was ready to receive his holy spirit and live a life for him.” Then surely I did this and accepted the Lord. For me I didn’t faint or have visions or anything of that nature it was more of just another step in life.
I then began attending a youth group at Calvary Bible Fellowship in Coopersburg, Pa. The first night I went was only because my sister who knew the Lord told me she used to go and it was fun. Although I was now a Christian I was still hesitant to go. I just didn’t have any Christian friends. Anyway it was a great place. There I learned about what I really believed in. I also met many great people. My sister introduced me to someone she new named John. He later gave me guitar lessons and really helped me grow in my faith. I would then take the things I learned into my school and I began to act completely different as the bible calls us to do. All my old ways were gone. I am definitely not saying I was magically perfect, but I had convictions about things I would have never thought.
For the people who new me this was huge. Even people who I wasn’t exactly friends with noticed a difference. People just didn’t understand how someone who grew up know as a “bad kid” could change so much. I began making new friends who weren’t Christians but weren’t into the whole drug scene like my other friends. I still hung out with my other friends also. Throughout that year the Lord showed me many things and really began to work in my life. Halfway through the year I basically cut off my relationships with my other friends. I made all new friends who were also young in there faith. That was ok to me though. It was really encouraging not always being dragged down by pressures of smoking pot or whatever the situation at hand was.
Now looking back on it I think of a verse in the bible that talks about serving two masters. It says that if we try to serve two masters we will love one hate the other. Well I have to tell you regardless if you are a Christian or not this holds true in life period. The two masters I was serving were God and the World. The bible also talks about how anyone who loves the world is an enemy of God. Back then I didn’t really understand this well but I do now.
In an amazing way the Lord began to use me. He used me to bring people to the Wednesday night youth group at Calvary. Yea I know this isn’t like ending world huger or something like that but this was big. About a little more than halfway through that school year the amount of kids going to Calvary had grown rapidly. I was so encouraged by how the Lord had used me. I saw that he was bringing my friends to himself also.
Over the next year he continued his work and the lives of my friends and in mine. I began to learn more and more through reading the bible. I still continued to talk to my friends about my beliefs and still continued going to Youth Group. That January I went two a weekend retreat called “Sno Glo”. This was my second time going. The first time had a big impact on my life and really helped me grow. This time I got to hear about a man’s testimony and it just really encouraged me to live my life according to Gods will. I also got to hear the great news of one of my friends accepting the Lord.
Since then I have just learned more and more. The Lord has surrounded me with the some of the greatest friends in the world. Every time I’m with them it’s just great. Majority of the people I consider my friends are Christians and have relationships with the Lord. The Lord has really put me through a lot with these people and helped me grow so much. I am actually in a band with my brother and three of my great friends and that is probably the next best thing to me next to God. We are a Christian band but at times i feel our hearts sure dont reflect it. We just play music we love and serve the Lord while doing it.
If you have read this I hope it has had some kind of impact on you. Weather it has encouraged you or just taught you more about me that is great. I write because I love my God and believe the Lord wants you guys to know why. This is not my whole testimony obviously but it is a brief description about how I came to know the Lord. My prayer for you who are Christians is that you seek God earnestly as it talks about in Hebrews 11:6. To those of you who don’t know the Lord my prayer is that you would seek answers to things in your life. I pray that you would turn to the bible as your reference. And everyone who believes everything I speak of is a lie I would like you to read God’s word and see what he says about it. If anyone of you have questions about Christianity or would like to know more about me just message me or something. AMEN!
Hebrews 12:14-15 14Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. 15See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.
James 1:22-25 22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.
James 2:14-19 14What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? 15Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? 17In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. 18But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. 19You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.
LIKES/DISLIKES(Not in Any Order):
-Genuine People
-My Friends
-Graphic Design
-Camping Dressed as Indians
-Trying to Start New Fads(Ex. Simple is the New Complex)
-Plain Colored Hanes T-shirts
-Truth Drums
-The Bible
-Thinking I Understand Html
-Green Tea(I Think)
-My Bed
-Black Socks
-I Put All Html in My Myspace and You Used a Stupid Layout Generator.
-Fake People
-The "Scene"
-Baggy Clothes
-Driving in Cars
-Poorly Crafted Music
-Wasting Time
-Doing Nothing
-Animals(Unless for Eating)
-Crapy Sounding Drums
-Americans(Im Still Thankful for America Though)
-Judgemental People
-Crapy Tattoos
-People Who are Diffrent For the Sake of Being Diffrent
-White Socks
1. Anathallo
2. Sufjan Stevens
3. Minus the Bear
4. Saxon Shore
5. Explosions In The Sky

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Im kinda excited in a few hours i get to play a show. That should be fun. Travis
Posted by on Fri, 18 Mar 2005 12:05:00 GMT

I peirced my lip

Hey i finally peirced my lip. My mom is cool with it and hopefully my dad is. Im sure it will stay in well it better. Right now i just have a earing in it which is barly in but whatever. Here is a pic...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Feb 2005 14:59:00 GMT


Wow im actually getting friends on here. This is pretty cool. Maybe if i get alot of friends ill write in here like a xanga or something.
Posted by on Tue, 15 Feb 2005 16:45:00 GMT


Be my friend....
Posted by on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 09:38:00 GMT