If I CoUlD StArT FrOm ScRaTcH I WoUlD ChAnG..... profile picture

If I CoUlD StArT FrOm ScRaTcH I WoUlD ChAnG.....

o7 ItZ My TiMe To ShYnE Ya DiG.........KeEp HaTe'N YaLl JuSt MaD DaT Im MaKeN MoNeY OuT HeR3 MaN HoP

About Me

top 20 friends
think of 20 random people you know
1: MiLlZ
2: DuNnZ
3: MoOdY
4: SwIfF
5: KaR KaR
6: JuIcE
7: SkEe
8: JoY
9: T-ReX
10: DaNtE
11: DoRa
12: MaNdY
13: ShAmAy
14: ALwOw
15: tYnIsHa
16: aShLy K
17: mOrGaN
18: sHoNtAy
19: mAlEeKa
20: fEzZa
how did you met 1: dAtZ fAm
have you ever had a crush on 5: oNcE
who have you known the longest on the list: mIlLz
is 4 funny: nAh
have you ever been to 8 house: yUp
is 9 nice: hE c_KOOL
is 17 cute: hElL nO!!!!
would 2 and 9 make a cute couple: LOL
is 12 cool: yEa
have u ever been sexual with 4: nAh
has 3 ever dated 6: lOl nAh
have you ever liked 19: yEa
have you ever kissed 7: lOl nAh
is 10 short: hElL nO!!!
is 11 rich or poor: dA mIdDlE
when's 13s b-day: dOnT kNO aSk hEr
have you ever been to 20 house: nAh
is 15 pretty: yEa
is 18 your friend: yEa
wat would u do if 14 and 16 were goin out: i dOnT kNo dAtZ hIm
whos cuter 3 or 10: 3
is 9 cute: LOL
is 14 sexy: iM nOt gAy
if you were stranded on an island with 12 would u be happy: hElL YeA!!!!!!!!!!!!
wat would u do if 14 died: kIlL dA pErSoN dAt kIlLeD hIm
if you find out tomorrow that u have 30 days left to live would u tell # 2: yEa cUz hE wIlL rId3 fOr mE
wats 4 fave band: hOoD sHiT yA kNO
is 20 loud: nAh sHe qUiTe
is 13 related to you: sUmThIn lIkE dAt
is 9 married: nAh
wat would u do if 17 were pregnant: sHiT fUkK hEr
if 4 were doing drugs wat would u do: iF iTz wEeD iM sMoKeN 2 yA dIg
do u have a crush on 1: nAh
have u ever kissed 5: nAh
have you ever made out with 8: nAh
is 2 nice: yUp hE kEeP iT gUtTa