Freaky profile picture


look who it is!!! everybodyz favourite white boy.....

About Me

Rie started as a graffer, he then got into mcin as he was influenced by the people he associated with, he is now getting a name for himself as a graffiti artist and is now trying to make it in the music scene as he is a dj. Rie has been djing for about 2years. and has now given mcing a try.......oh yeh im 15 aswell......a img{}a:hover img{}body{scrollbar-arrow-color:ffffff;scrollbar-Track-Color :;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:ffffff;scrollbar-base-color:ffff ff;scrollbar-Face-Color:;scrollbar-Shadow-Color:ffffff;scrol lbar-DarkShadow-Color:ffffff.. width="425" height="350" ..I edited my profile at
Myspace Layouts Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own!.. width="425" height="350" ..

My Interests

paintin, barring an mashin chikz bit mostly painting:D..


grimeee, 2step, aniting produced in da uk!


bulllet boy,kidutlhood,rollin with the nines.


Graffiti - video powered by Metacafe