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Begining life over ..
I am a 34 year old mommy of 3. Steven is 18 Kayla is 11 and Sean is 7.I have just finished college(whew) Nursing school sucked...THE BIG ONE!!! GOOD JOB THOUGH:)
I hope that I have grown over the years and can enter this phase of my life with values and honor that I have gained through the tears past.
I now understand that sometimes life throws us curve balls when we least expect them. I have learned that through it all you should never give up....sometimes I think that my dreams will never come true, but then I will never know if I give up or will I?
I refuse to stop dreaming, stop longing for a happy ending. I am, flaws and all. And at the end of the day I can honestly say that I know I have loved and lived with all that I have. Thats all that I can ask of myself. What is given in return is not for me to control. All I can do is all I can do. It is a choice.. I choose happiness and I choose to be loved with the full intensity that I love.