Im cUrrEntLy a sEniOR hiGh sKuL sTuDent n cErtainLy excitEd of wUt lys ahEad..! I couLd prObabLy cOnsider mUhsELf aS a typicaL teEnaGe guRL whO is vEry mUch fOnd oF gOin' aroUnd..! hAnGing wiT a bUnch of fwEnds....! aNd makinG fUn oF oThers.. aNd aLsO thOse wHO dOnT kNow hOw 2 cArRy tHemsELvEs..!iM hAtTa fO' biTcHEs wHo wEr tRyn' tO puT tHeiR aRmS arOuNd mUh gUy..! iMma hiT yaH wiT mUh pEePz..! sO.. bAck oFf biTchEs..! y'oL dOnT wAnNa mEsS wiT mEehHh..!uHmMM.. i lovE the mOviEs..! i haTE skUL..!i haTE peOpLe thAt thiNk thEy r oL tHat..! i cAnt livE wiThOUt mUh friENds..! i'm sO LuCky tO hAve thEm..!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
hU i wAnt tO mEet..?s0meoNe whO kNowS h0w to jivE wiT mUh m0ods..!
whO'LL acCept mEh fOh whO i reaLLy am..!
sOmEone reaL.. gEnUine.. aUThEntiC.. jUst sOmeone tRue..!