I like playing music for people who are not listening.
I live in Paris, I'm 23, and, trust me, a lot of people in here don't listen to me. I'm really sorry to think about that, but even if everyone acts like they're not listening, sometimes they're just faking. So I try do my best, playin' alone or with my band, and I think enjoy it.
I live in a really tiny place, which is always a mess, but I got a bar so it's OK.
Je chante en français et in english.
I got a lot of big sunglasses, but it's hard to play guitar in the dark with sunglasses on. I can't see my pedalboard nor my strings, and I love my strings.
I used to play classic flute, I used to do concerts in the playground of my elementary school, and do a lot of music with my laptop - now my laptop is working for me.
I used to have friends (but not the same than today).
By the way, now that I'm thinking about it, the more people are listening to me, the more people who don't wanna listen to me will hear my music so I'll be happy.
So listen to my music for giving the opportunity to the world not to listen to my music.
Am I confusing ?
23 ans dans un petit appartement mais c'est le bordel dedans
Avec mes lunettes de soleil (je ne vois plus les cordes de ma guitare dans la nuit !) je joue de la flûte aussi
Avant j'avais des amis mais pas les mêmes qu'aujourd'hui (mais des fois les mêmes quand même)
Et j'aime jouer pour des gens qui n'écoutent pas mais pour que les gens puisse ne pas écouter il faut qu'un certain nombre de personne m'écoute pour donner la possibilité au plus de gens possible de juste entendre sans le vouloir ma musique et donc me rendre heureux.
Tu ne veux pas me rendre heureux ?