Crowd surfing***body piercing***Clubbing***ECOLOGY*** Getting out there*** volunteering at Zoo***Extreme Sports***Traveling Aimlessly***Photography/home video***Bopat riding*** Jet Skiing*** Cooking*** Arts*** Bolder diving***Training Animals***If tHeRe wAs a bEwItChMeNt ThAt MaDe oNe uNcOnTrOlAbLy dAnCe To ThE BeAtInG DrUm ThE ThUmPiNg bAsS ThE VoDoO GuItAr ThEn I'Ve bEeN EnRaPtUrEd!***
Brer Rabbit tale didn't happen yesterday nor the day before but a long long time ago... It was atime when critters were closer to folks and folks were closer to the critters... It was one of those zippity-doo-da days, when you couldn't open your mouth without a song poppin' right out...
I thrive on music, all kinds of random and eclectic stuff
I LOVE MOVIES! Grindhouse was Genius! Natural born Killers, bruce lee flicks, Fight Club, the Rock, Insticnt, Succubus, House of a Thousand Corpses, Borat, jack-assII, Thank you for Smoking, Kevin SMITH+ TERINTINO+ Jack BLACK,Stranger than fictio The Cell, In Dreams, Ecological and Political Documentaries, Mirror Mask, Boondock Saints, Lord of the FLIES, V for Vendeta, Kill Bill, B movies, Movies with subtitles, Tampopo(jap),GREEN STREET HOOLIGANS, KISSKISS BANGBANG, lost highway, Fear n Loathin in Las Vegas, SIN CITY,Legend, A SCANNER DARKLY, TRAINSPOTTING, LOCKS TOCK&TWO SMOKING BARRELS, "Was Tun Wenns Brennt", RUN LOLA RUN,Strangeland, SawI II, Alice in Wonderland and old disney classics...the list goes on and on
Most Recent: Chuck Pahalnuik's (author fight club) Haunted its incredible.FAVORITE: Haruki Murakami's Wild Sheep ChaseHABITUALLY: greek mythology, suspense/horror, dark romance i.e. Anne Rice,Steven King, Somerset's'Of Humane Bondage'
I like out spoken big personalities, people that are taking advantage of living... There's a lot of people I find inspiring not Because of anything they ever did just their Spirit...let it be contageousALL close friends have had admirable traits and a Few Narley Strangers rocked my world