TOLTEK (Label Manager) Profile
Toltek is a French DJ based in Paris.Beside playing DJ sets from Paris to Thailand - Fullmoon and jungle parties - he has collaborated with Psyside for the last two years performances around the world and on the new 3rd album "Anomaly in your Brain ?". He's also working now on his own project, Huicholity, more «morning » and « Goa » influenced...
In 2005, he started the new french label Morphonic Records, with the 3rd Psyside album as the first release (released on 19th of June 2006).
"Psychofluid" a compilation Full On Morning was released April 2007, followed by the debut album of RUMBLE PACK "Packed and ready".
A new compilation "Psychofluid2" will be released soon
RELEASE DATE 2008 - 05 - 02
party @ Cube (Tokyo)
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