Frequently-Asked Questions
What is ModelLaunch?
It's a free, professional networking and discovery site started in 2000 for models, photographers and agents to connect and learn about the industry.
Is ModelLaunch an agency?
No, but many members have been signed or scouted by agencies directly from the website.
Am I model material?
Only the Magic 8 Ball knows. There's no magic answer, so, register for a free account on ModelLaunch and start networking to find out.
Is it really free with no catches?
Yes! ModelLaunch is 100% free, and has been since it opened in 2000.
Can I be in your top friends?
Sorry, we rarely change that list because it's a nightmare to manage.
You accepted my friend request, why was my account denied on ModelLaunch?
Being on the friends list here does not guarantee that your account will be approved on ModelLaunch.
Models (fashion, commercial and fitness), modeling agents, scouts, photographers, stylists, makeup artists, fashionistas, fashion writer and editors, fitness professionals and bodybuilders.