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I am here for Friends

About Me

an individual who is thankful for everything, be it good/superb/beautiful/crazy/sad/bad/unlucky/unavoidable circumstances that one hates to face - i look at it as a lesson to learn and will not take it to heart.i'm contented with my life, i'm married to an extremely supportive and understanding man, Hadi. Babe, you seriously complete me! (i know, i know the line is corny, but heck it's perfect!) You just know me to well...i'm greatful to have beautiful friends in mylife, i think you know who you are, thanks for all the colorful journey! those who really knows me will say, "wei, you know you only hang out with extremely limited people right? i think i can count your friends la!!" true that, one may have many acquintances, or some they consider friends. but i'm referring to close friends, that you just have to see and chat with even though its for like 30 mins or so and you'll be racing to speak! just to get your story out before you actually forget them.i'm very much of a loner though during weekdays, love doing my chores and what not... for the time being i'm a full time housewife! hehe, til i start my next project... but i'm hoping and praying that everything planned for dubai will be true and granted - well at least a minimum of 3 years there. but we have come to terms, its either you make it or break it in 2 years. so i guess we'll just have to wait and see what the future offers all in all, what i can do for now is just to sit back and smile. ahh.. the journey of my can check out more about me: http://eeshielifelogger.comThis layout is from; get yours today!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

my happy people!

My Blog

we are not alone in this word

We are definitely not alone in this world. No matter how many family members or friends we have, you know that at the end of the day, we are left to fight our own battles, be it in the workplace, with...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 21:03:00 GMT

Boo effing Hoooo!!

Damn it! back to college, back in malaysia, back to the cold hard reality of life! SHIETTTT!! i'm gonna be bored shitless in collllleeeeggggeeeee..... no kaki to gossip with, no friends to go teh tari...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 06:04:00 GMT