Poetry, Islam,
Grant refuge and help the needy and console the hearts of those filled with love for you.
How wonderful would be that day when to your abode i shall come and blacken my eyes with dust of madina. (may the Lord hasten the day of my arrival in madina, to refresh my eyes with the dust of madina)
To your honoured mimbar paak shall i go and rubbing thereon my face, gone pale of love for you, that golden it shall become. O Prophet of Allah , frustrated have i become, dejected of my selfishness.
Help this helpless soul and turn to him your look of favour. If your loving kindness be not showered upon us, paralysis would
overtake us and vanquished shall we be.
Our ill fate has turned us from Allah's path of righteousness. Pray
to Allah on our behalf for complete guidance.
O Allah, firstly grant us true faith in a goodly, fruitful
life. And guide us Allah, to a steadfast following in deen.
And inspite of our numerous heinous sins, Allah shall grant Muhammad to intercede for us, for without it we are lost.
And that you shall arrive on the plain of reckoning, while we, encircled by our sins, look on as you shall bend your head in prayer, calling out, "Forgive my people, Allah forgive them.
-Imam Jami (RA)-
Lord of the Rings, Merlin, A Beautiful Mind, Star Wars
Tru Calling, Everybody Loves Raymond, LOST, The OC, Desperate Housewives, Numbers, Gray's Anatomy, Dr House
Fihi Ma Fihi (It is what it is), A Woman of Substance, The Forbidden game, Harry Potter, Kashful Mahjub, Ihya Uloom Ad Din, A thematic Commentary on the Qur'an, Afghanistan; Where only God comes to weep, The end of Reasons, The Madness of God