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I am Spartacus!!!

About Me

Im ageing everyday but so are you, however my age and maturity are inversely correlated, whereas yours probably are not. Congratulations. I play guitar really well in relation to frosties bass playing. Also i pose better than many people to make up for my lack of real ability. Amongst my many various belongings is an acoustic guitar, this is for adding to my overall greatness and helping to score with hoes. I play sports on just about the least competitve basis in the world because im so good and it would be unfair otherwise. I can also drive now which is totally awesome and i keep giving people lifts when really they should bloody well walk. One day ill either get a bentley, VW campervan, or pimpmobile depending on my income and profession. I will hopefully going to the LSE for politics and economics soon which will be awesome, and i will get to hang out with many like minded nerds. before i leave you i must remind you to allways remain epic and i shall give you this thought provoking quote from the man himself Aesop "Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow" (one day i hope to speak fluently in this way

My Interests

Whisky, Slippers, Mighty fine smokables. Music is pretty epic as is the ability to think in a philosophical manner. Also becoming the worlds first Mega pimp would be incredible. Unlike everyone else on the planet i actually could live without music, and i probably listen to more of it than you. Its not going to dissapear anyday soon now is it. So why bloody say it. Grow up.

I'd like to meet:

Spongebob Squarepants and Glen Quagmire. The defining role models of our generation.


Most really. Unless its harcore. Hardcore is gay. It sounds like animals having violent anal intercourse. Power metal is the best of all genres of course as it is epic to hell and back. I also like most metal, hip hop (damn right), classical, punk and other stuff. The best band ive seen live was the Who, i was drunk the night before and managed to fall asleep in hyde park before they cam on with about 100,000 other people there and bands playing, beat that.


Anything thats totally epic or stupid. Cult films are crap, if you believe that the word cult automatically makes you cultured when you view the film you are wrong. It makes you a tosser. Die now. Kill Bill is bloody terrible. Napolean Dynamite is worse than anything else in existence, i would gladly welome death rather than sit all the way through it. The best films are things like diehard, rambo, rocky, terminator. Baically, pointless violence.


Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, and South Park. With these four simple commandments you shall become an ignorant and stupid man.


I only read when im on holiday, and even then common books I can shamefully say ive read all the harry potters and unfortunatley enjoyed them.


Some people are more heroic than others like John Prescott, how a man that fat can score is truly incredible. One day i hope to be him.