º°x·:He HoLdS Me WheN i StArT 2 cRy ø´¨`»MaKeS Me SmiLe WiTh JuS HiS eYeZ ShAreZ My HoPes DrEaMs FeArs«´¨`ø ø´¨`»WiPes AwAy ALL My TeArs i LoVe hiM wiToUt rEgReT«´¨`ø i JuS hAvEn't FoUnd HiM yEt·:·xº°
-or-iF I WiN iN a 1 MiLLiOn LoTteRy i’D sHoP tiLL I dRoP fOr mY uSuaL gEt-uP jEaNs aNd sLeEveLeSs sHiRts. iM a CoLoR oRiEntEd pErSoN. iT’s eitHeR tHe sHiRt mAtcHes tHe sHoeS oR tHe bAg mAtcHeS tHe jEaNs. I LoVe wEaRiNg sHoRts aNd I pReFer tHe sHoRtEst OnE. WiTh tHe MoNey LeFt I’d bUiLd mY dReAm HoUsE, a SiMpLe sTrUctUrE aS LoNg aS a VeRaNdA iS pReSeNt. Don't know what is it with me and that veranda thing. CHoOsiNg a CaR? i’LL LeAvE tHaT tO mY hUbBiE tO bE. LaSt eXpEnSe gOeS tO a RoMaNtiC gEt aWay iN tHe PhiLiPpiNeS “BoRaCaY iSLaNd.†An eXcUse fOr wEaRiNg a tWo piEce, sWiM aS iF tHeRe’s No tOmOrRow, wiTnEsSiNg tHe jAw dRoPpiNg viEw oF tHe sUnRiSe aNd sUnsEt, stAyiNg uP aT niGht iN tHe sEaShOrE wAtcHinG tHe MoOns rEfLeCtiOn iN tHe wAteR, AdMiRiNg tHe saNdCaStLes oF tHe CoMmOniErs, sHoPpiNg pAsaLuBonGs at D’MaLL aNd tiAnGge, bAr HoPpiNg aT niGht, hEnNa TatToeS, BaNaNa BoAt RiDe, SnOrkeLiNg oN tHe diViNg sPot, DiNiNg aT fiNe aNd VeRy eXpEnSiVe rEstAuRaNts, wAtcHiNg BeAch VoLLeyBaLL, aNd iSLaNd hOpPiNg. TriEd iT aLL aNd iT’s wOrtH tHe eXpEnSe. i’M beGiNniNg tO sOuNd LikE a tOuR gUiDe hErE.
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If You LOVE Someone
If you love someone,
Set her free...
If she comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, she never was....
If you love someone,
Se... Posted by on Wed, 24 Mar 2004 22:40:00 GMT