About Me
About me??? Hmm... My name's LOVELY but I don't prefer being called by that so at home they just call me DADHAI but some of my friends call me ELAH... I'm the eldest in the family... I got 2 younger sisters... Hmm? Let's see now... How would I describe myself??? T-O-P-A-K I guess... Hehehe! =D Well, I'm the type of person who likes going out, partying! I love listening to music!!! I can go for R&B, Hip-hop, Pop, Alternative, Rock and other genres... I also love dancing especially when I hear songs that make my body groove to the beat like Usher's songs... Hehehe! =P When I have my free time, I play pc games, and chatting! It makes me play 24/7 (Parang Sun.. Hehehe!), NON-STOP!!! =P Actually, I'm not the talkative type, but when I talk to someone, I do make sure that everything I say has sense... Some of my friends tell me that I'm funny... I think that its in my nature to make other people happy, I love making them laugh their "asses" out, but like any other person, I do also have my serious side... Yeah, I do spend some time alone, you know, thinking about the good things and bad things that happened in my life, doing some reflections, those sentimental kind of stuffs... And some of my friends don't know about it... Hehehe!!! Coz it's my secret... So don't tell anyone about it aight?! Sikeee!!! =D I do sometimes persist against hardships in my own tough, stubborn, and unyielding way, you know, putting my family and friends before my needs... Yup! That's how I love them!!! Well, that's basically ME!!! =DIt's really hard to say something about me, and I constantly find a lot of changes in me. I'm easily influenced by certain situations that touch my heart, obviously that mean I have sudden change of moods. Sometimes I confuse myself. I like beautiful things and I like to hear a lot of beautiful stories, it's like music to my ears. A lot of things make me cry, but many times I prefer to not show my tears. Whether it is something nice or depressing. I'm easily inspired, but it takes a lot of encouragement from myself to take action on it. Most of the times it does not happen, I just like daydreaming about it. I guess that's one of my weaknesses, sometimes what inspires me becomes my biggest insecurity and turns into fears. On the other hand, once my mind is focused and my goals are set, no one can stop me. I love and like a lot of things. I love watching plays, reading books and all sorts of reading materials, movies and a lot of television. I enjoy looking at pictures over and over again, and I never get sick of it. Conversing is one of the things I look forward to, and most of all listening. A million questions and answers run through my mind when I listen to someone talk. I also have a lot to say, and I think I can be a lot of help to people who need me. I always try my best to cheer up my friends who are down, but I also like friends who help themselves. But you know what, I don't get tired hearing their stories even if it was already told to me a million times. I like a lot of simple things and so to do with extravagant ones. I like a lot of surprises. I reciprocate well at that. As well as I like surprises, I think I enjoy it better when I surprise my loved ones. It makes me feel I'm on top of the world. Sometimes I want to be Oprah; she never seizes to amaze me on how giving and selfless she is. Maybe that's why even when she doesn't ask. She still receives. That’s It.And that’s beyond of me!..iM aN oRdiNary girL whO wAnts tO haVe Lots Of fUn.. eVen iF iM sO dEpreSS i wOuLd aLwaYs fiNd a WaY tO sMiLe.. fOr mE bEiNg hAppy iS a cHoice.. iM sO tAmaD.. i rAther sUffer thAn dU tHingS thAt aRe tiRing aNd nKKtamd.. i waNt to cHanGe mY tAmaDneSS.. bUt iT alReady maStereD me.. hAhAhA! pEoPle miGht tHink i hAve evEryThing unDer cOntrOL.. sO nOt tRue.. siMpLe tHingS maKe mE haPPy..! i Love GOD.. mY fAmiLy.. mY baBy.. mY fRieNds..! tHey aRe thE oNes tHat maKes mE bELiEve tHat LiFe iS wOrtH LiviNg.. thAts wHy i Love dEm soOo muCh....Im MaTaMPuHiN and a BRaTT!bwahahaha..*actuaLLy, tHat'S wHat i aM..*~ i'M aLs0 vErY sEnsiTive at TimEs,..
~ i haTe preTenDing of soMe0ne tHat im n0t!
~ iD liKe to Be tRue to mySeLf aLL tHe tYm..*kAyA, i dOn't liKe whO aRe pRetentiOus!*
~ i nEvEr giVe up eAsiLy. iF tHerE's s0mEtHin i wAnt i tRy hArD jUsT to gEt iT.. B'CoZ iF tHerE's a wiLL thErE's aLWaYS a wAy!*nAkz!*** i aM a sImple LiL gIrl wh0m you cAn coUnt on wHen y0u nEEd help, wHom yOu can Laugh wiTh aNd Cry on..** i'm sEnsitiVe, pesSimIstic, deteRmiNed, fuNnY, Loyal and a mUsic loveR.** My gReatEst feAr is losiNg my loVed onEs..
- I jUst wAnna dIe fiRSt, so thaT I would not fEeL the paIn whEn i'll Lose tHem...
- I Can sAy that I'm vERy mUcH coNteNded wIth mY Life n0w...
- I aLways thAnk God f0r giVing Me1. a gReAt faMiLy who hAs saCriFiced a lot f0r mE aNd mAde mE the perSon I am t0Day..2.for fRienDs wh0 hAve aLWays beEn theRe for mE thRoUgh g0od timeS aNd Bad...3. and lastLy, for an angel – dEbi MarLon triNidaD,
who Has chAnged mY Life aNd mAde me fEeL reaLLy sPecial...
he's My aLL..*naKz drama!***I am melodious, sweet, lovable, kind and loyal to a partner, whom I choose with care..**i may look fragile and innocent the first time you meet me.. but hell no.. i do and talk shit....**I value my family a lot. They give me strength to go on with my life without any fear.**I may look apprehensive and tranquil if it's our first time to meet, but you'll see the real me when I'm really at ease with the person. .**I love socializing and values friendship, can be an intriguing company. I may gladly dispense advice to others but I keep my own concerns strictly to myself.**I'm not a warfreak and I also don't like people who are back stabbers. If you want something, tell it straight to me.**I hate people who are dishonest and a girl who is BITCHY and FLIRT!!!**Add hypocrites, assholes, fugly sluts, people who talks shit, all fake and plastic, wanna-be..**Please for your sake and mine, if you don't want your life to be worst..STAY AWAY..FAR AWAY.. GET LOST!!!hahaha....I love pink. It reflects my personality. Sugar and Spice...I love accessories. Earrings. Anklets. Caps. Bandanas. Necklaces. Clips. etc..Im quite emotional and sensitive. I cry a lot. When im mad. When im sad. Even when im overwhelmed. Im not really good at hiding my emotions...I believe that the most valuable things in life are not things...I love hanging out with my frends. Kahit tambay tambay lang sa mall. I love parties and sleepovers. ;D..I hate backstabbers and fake people. I've learned my lessons and now i take it from Stone Cold Steve Austin's words: "Don’t trust anybody"..15 years of living and damn! was it hard. Still looking for that one thing that would complete me and make me happy."Life ends. But Love doesn’t."I LOVE:**my dad
**my mom
**my siblings
**my relatives
**my friends
**my barkada
**taking pictures
**beachesI HATE:**judgemental person
**SOC. SCIE!!!
**MATH... (nyak!!)
**waking up earlyif yOu hatE Me, tHAts nOt my prObLem... SEE IF I CARE!!!hEheh..im hapPy aNd nO oNe caN takE thaT aWay froM mE !!?i wanNa bE a suPerstaR,oK.. drEaM on aGaiN? i waNna fly? get reaL eLaH..hAhaHa.. i lOve tHe nuMbEr 14!!!my Life aiNt perfEct. bUt i lOve it im lOvin evErY bit of iT.. haha!sOrry kUng MakuLit akO!weL..Ok,iM tirEd naH!tiL Hir..LOLZ