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About Me

Let's see, where to begin!I'm blunt, pretty straightforward, honest, and loyal. I love laughing with and at people (I know...bad panda...but I can't help it!). I'm spontanious and probably one of the oddest people out there. I see my life as Ally McBeal sees it--it's like a living cartoon, and if I'm not seeing the full reality then I'm fine with the colorful version I make it to be.Biggest pet peeve? Liars and superficiality. People should be who they say they are, stand by what they say they believe in, and have no reason to lie to those they care about. There's absolutely no reason to, the truth is always better. If you expect the truth from me, I'd always like it in return.

My Interests

Partying is a must, even though I'm cutting back, almost getting hit by cars, hanging out and watching movies, mini golfing, bowling, sleeping, napping, cuddling, Alpha Tau Omega, Beer Pong, Video Games

I'd like to meet:

Exciting, adventerous people who will make me question my own viewpoints and opinions on life and all topics surrounding it. Surprise me! I love spontanaeity! Sense of humor is way up there too (and if it's sarcastic or're a shoe-in!)


I like punk, retro, 80s, top 40s....I'm a music whore, I listen to it all.
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Cruel Intentions, The Ring, Bring It On, Clueless, Finding Nemo, Lilo and Stitch, Erin Brockovich, Scary Movie (Only 1 and 3), Gothika, Bringing Down The House, The Wizard of Oz, Porky's, American Pie, Little Miss Sunshine, Stardust...the list goes on...


Big Brother, Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Will, any trashy Reality TV...Nip/Tuck, Pushing Daisies, Women's Murder Club, Cold Case, Ugly Betty, ANYTHING on Food Network


Hero, Abarat, I have lots of books I like...too many to list


Anyone that has a good sense of self and isn't afraid to speak their mind and let their opinions be heard.

My Blog


    Okay so this might not be as big of news to some people but offically at 11:33 pm I have quite smoking! Yes, I know I have said this a bunch of times, but this is it-- I'm ready and...
Posted by Cody on Wed, 10 May 2006 10:35:00 PST

Some Realizations

All right, so I haven't written a blog in a while, and that's mostly because I haven't needed to. But, as people that know me have found out, I get in these hyper phases where I'm up all night and mak...
Posted by Cody on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 04:34:00 PST

Black Tuesday...AKA V-Day

Okay, so I'm sure I'm not the only one hapring and being all depressed on Valentine's Day...but it fucking sucks! I'm not even that depressed that I'm single, it's more the fact that you have to be ar...
Posted by Cody on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:37:00 PST

This Is Really Weird (Interesting Read)

So I went to bed at 8pm because as some know I feel like shit about a lot of things, not to mention I have something viral going on inside of me which feels as if it's tearing my stomach to shreds. I ...
Posted by Cody on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 01:10:00 PST

Yay For Good News!

So I've been kind of a bitch lately (when am I not though?) But I decided I'd start being a little more zen-like and I'm not going to lie, the four days off from work really helped me kinda work ...
Posted by Cody on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 12:59:00 PST

Fuck New Years

Yeah, I said it. Am I the only one ready for this horrendous year to be over? I fucking hate the mall, and I hate working. I think I just hate people in general. It's really not a good feeling to have...
Posted by Cody on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 07:10:00 PST

Goo Goo Ga Ga

Wow, I'm fucking exhausted. 25 hours in three days really kills people. Work is going good though, I really like all the people I'm working with, but some customers are fucking NUTS! This one lady had...
Posted by Cody on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 12:11:00 PST

Hmm...What to do!

So, I decided to say "fuck finals" and get off a day early for winter break. I knew I wasn't going to perform well on this one anyways, and if I'm taking next semester off then it won't matter because...
Posted by Cody on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 08:26:00 PST


So the Survivor finale is sucking so I turned it off. So friggin' predictable. It sucks that when there's a bad finale or bad outcome in any one of my reality shows it puts me in this really horrible ...
Posted by Cody on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 06:14:00 PST

Fuck This Shit- Un Parte de Tres

So I'm pretty much convinced the world is against me. Yup, it is. So as most of you know I've been down in Denver for about the past two weeks trying to get my shit together and study for finals, espe...
Posted by Cody on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 10:50:00 PST