=>cRizZy<= profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Tiny pink and green lines

Ril name hir is Marie Criss Ecija...pero u SHUD call me cRisSY nlang or criss coz datz wat my friendz col me hehe....a typical girl..hu lives lyf at its peak.lyf is 2 short so beter mke the most of it.=p wel..im just an ordinary being hu do thngs that any human being cn do..hehe!;) .sometyms i go out together wid mah friends or at tyms i only spend the whole day by watchn tv,sleepng,surfing the net & doin sum chores at home,, specially cooking ;) others may fnd it strange & boring bt that's jst me..plain&smple.;) i cn also b an outgoing type of prson,i luv hangin out w/ my frnds and of course together wid mah lover as well to get 2 unwind somtyms ... ;)im type of person who wants to love and to be loved,, my first priority in life is GOD ofcourse, second is my family&loved ones,, and third is myself,, i dont like people who are "mayayabang","plastic" and a big "pretender" coz u dont have to pretend anybody that u r not... nkakairita..just be true to urselves coz that makes u "you" different from the rest ... =)im a friendly person, makulit, madaldal and moody at times xmpre khit cnu nman?hehe,,i love eating japanese food hehe,,food tripPIN',,to mention those: sALmOn sashimi, ebi tempura,sQuiD , gYoZa, yakisoba,,uhmmmm yuMMeHhhh... =) and many many more,,,to know more bout myself pls see attached comments below ^_~

My Interests

mUsiC, siNginG while taking mY ShOwEr hehe, wATcHinG mOvies, texTing, maKipAgkuLitan, sUrFinG d nEt, pETs, pLaYiNg bAdMinTOn and coOk cOOk cOok.... ÜÜÜ

I'd like to meet:

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| View Show | Create Your Owni want to meet people who are funny, has a good sense of humor, loving, understanding and those who are a little bit insane para masaya ang lahat hehehe...... =)for those peeps who wants to add me up...add me up wahahaha.... =p [email protected]


bReakAway, mY iMmOrTaL, taTToEd On My mInD, i WiLL, tiLL tHeY tAke mY hEaRt aWay, cRazY 4U, wAiTing in VaiN, BeGiNninG 2dAy, i MisS U, hOmE, dOnt Luv U nO mOre, LOsT in Ur eYeS, wAke mE Up wHen sEpTembEr eNds, jEricHo, sOme1s wATchInG Over Me, TaKe mY hEaRt Back, LOve WiLL sHow U everYThing, fIrsT bELiEve, aLmOSt oVeR U, , tOreTe, iLL b Der, I wILL b hIr 4U, cOunTing dOwn d DaYs, if I bELieVe, aLL d Luv iN d WoRLd, 1 nYt, iLL b OveR U, i DonT wanNA wAit, dIS I pRomiSE U, sWaY, sUpersTar, wAT aBoUt LovE, aLL dIS tYm, LoOkinG tHru uR EyES, pLeaSe rEMemBer, LOve cAnT Lie, sTAnding RiGhT nExT tO mE, tHe LoVe i FOUnd iN U, cOOL, sPecIaL mEMoRy, tHEsE dReAmS, i cOULd nOt aSk fOr mORe


my bestfriend's wedding, charlie's angels, freaky friday, bRUcE aLmIgHTy, ciTy of aNGeLS, bringing down the house, sPidErmAn, a waLk tO rEmEmbEr, tAxI, mY sAssY gIRL, wInDsTrUcK, mY LiTTLe bRiDE, wIThOuT a pAdDLe, iF OnLy, rAisE uR vOicE, d nOtEbUk, rOmeO and jULieT, rEd eYe, dArk waTer, fLyt pLan,KinGkOnG, fUn wId dIcK and jAnE, biG mOmMaS hOuSe, oRiGiNaL sIn, eXorciSm of emily rose ÜÜÜ


moLto mArio, unWraPPed, mIng's QuesT, wOLfgaNg pUcK, swEEt dReAms, cHocoLates, EveRydAy ItaLian, bArefOOt cOntessA, fOOd 911 tYLeR's ULtimaTe, 30 mInUte mEaL, fOOd fiGhT, daTe pLaTe, irOn cHef and hOT oFF d gRiLL wid bObbY fLaY.....ÜÜÜ


purpose driven life...


darna hahahahaahahahahaha ;-p......ÜÜÜ