my brother in law in Iraq sends a message to john kerry! so do i!
Anything that has to do with WATER!I'm currently a lfe guard at my base. can you believe that... a Marine Corps LIFE GUARD!!!HAHAHA! I love swimming. Surfing. Checking out concerts. Campfires, and horse shoes are my fun stuff these .
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my home town
Classic Rock, country, Reggae, anything that sounds chill! none of that fagot gospal crap!!!
Mis forMagnificent
Iis forImpressive
Nis forNutty
Nis forNutty
Eis forEmotional
Ais forAmazing
Pis forPopular
Ois forOrganic
Lis forLovable
Iis forInsane
Sis forStunning
What Does Your Name Mean?
Die hard. bruce willis is great!He doesn't fight fair what so ever!!! laberynth, dark crystal, neverending story, anything jim henson... Mel gibson is cool too so anything with him or by him!
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"the gift of valor" by michael phillips the book was written about my company the first time i was in iraq, really detailed and accurate for the most part.
My dad and brothers. my brothER in law Andy, and Anyone who has the guts enough to fight for their country! AND NOW WINE!!!panic! at the disco is cool BE THANKFUL THIS ISNT YER NEIGHBORHOOD, WATCH THE WHOLE THING!!!