This is the story of four dynamic friends, all of whom already had their own stint with comedy prior to the group. Scott, Kevin, n' Johnny were all stand ups, while Kenny was divulging in the improv comedic arts. On a fateful Thursday during an ominous September, their local learning establishment had a "stand-up comedy contest" to see who was the funniest comedian, however only students of the establishment were allowed to partake. Johnny n' Kenny decided to do the show, with Kevin n' Scott there to watch'em. In the world of comedy, there's a mutual respect amongst comedians... however there was one guy that nobody in the competition liked. And as fate would have it... That guy won the contest. THREE THINGS were decided on that day following the contest: ONE) Never again will any of us play a school-sponsored open mic event. TWO) A great idea was created... That the four of us will start our own comedy group, traveling around college campi and making our beloved collegiates laugh! To COMBINE our forces to make a comedy extravaganza so damn hilarious you'll piss yourself or throw up on yourself or hopefully both. THREE) That kid is not invited to join the group. So some would say that this group was formed out of spite.... while others would say that contest sucked because they didn't even provide a microphone... But one thing that is for certain: we're the Revolution. And we don't hold grudges