~Eye~Candy~ profile picture


Boy u make me feel so beautiful, n I aint neva gonna let u go..!

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com

My Interests

Boyz,Boyz, n more Boyz..!!!! JK..!!! Sing'n, Dance'n, Run'n. I like ta read (sumtimes) Hang'n out wit my folk...!! u know tha usual..!!!CLICK HERE TO GET A NEW CURSOR!

I'd like to meet:

*MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[name]: Moe
[birthdate]: Jul 28 88
[sex]: Female
[relationship status]: In a relationship
[shoe size]: 7
[parents still together]: Nope
[siblings]: 4
[pets]: 1
[color]: Purple
[number]: 1
[time of year]: Summer
[type of weather]: Hot
[food/drink]: Junk/Grape Soda
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]: Sumtimes
[have any tattoos]: Not yet
[cheat on tests]: Hel Yea used 2
[like scary movies]: Yea
[like cleaning]: Not really
[know how to drive a standard]: Yea
[own a cell phone]: Of course
[collect anything]: Naw
[been in a fist fight]: O Yea
[considered a life of crime]: Naw
[considered being a hooker]: Hell Naw
[been in love]: 2 many times
[made out with just a friend]: Unfortunately
[hurt someone you love]: Yea
[kicked someone in the nuts]: Yea
[clothing]: wife beater/sweats
[hair]: In a bun
[song you are in love with]: Lost w/o u
[cd in your stereo]: Ciara
[mood]: Chill'n
[thing you ought to be doing]: Sleep'n
[first crush]: D.S.
[first kiss]: E.L.
[first love]: E.L.
[do you believe in love at first sight]: Not really
[do you believe in "the one"]: Yea
[are you a tease]: Sumtimes
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: Yea
[honest]: Sumtimes
[sarcastic]: Hell yea
[a daydreamer]: Yea
[up tight or laid back]: Laid Back
[messy or organized]: Messy
[shy our outgoing]: A lil of both
[nervous habits]: Dont know
[are you double jointed]: Naw
[can you roll your tongue]: Yea
[do you make your bed daily]: Naw
[which shoe goes on first]: Left
[bought something]: Of Course
[been sick]: Yea
[sang]: Yea
[missed someone]: Yea
[gotten drunk]: Naw
[gotten a haircut]: Naw
[watched cartoons]: Yea
[been kissed]: Yea
[lied]: Yea
[you spent the night with]: My Husband
[spent the night with you]: My Husband
[saw you cry]: Coworkers
[made you cry]: Cant remember
[you said "i love you" to]: My Husband
[told you they loved you]: My Husband
[the best feeling in the world]: Being n Love
[the worst feeling in the world]: Being n love with urself
[your greatest fear]: Being hurt
[the thing you want most in life]: Success
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The Basics
Name Ajah
Nickname(s) Moe~Moe n A.J.
Birthday July 28,1988
Birth city Eastpoint
Places you have lived Stne Mnt, College Park, n Riverdale
Current location Atlanta Ga.
Hair color Brown n Bergandy
Height 5"4"
Eye color Brown
School North Clayton
Year 2001-2006
Have you ever
Been in Love O yea
Fallen for a best friend Yup
Used someone Yup
Been rejected Yup
Regretted something 2many times
Do you/Have you
Color your hair Yup
Considered a life of crime Naw
Worry often Yup
Have split personalities I don't thnk so, but othas do
Have tattoos Not yet
Have piercings Yup
Listening to? Avant (Lie About Us)
Talking to? Taylor
Feeling? Ok
Thinking about? My babi
Fast food joint Taco Bell
Movie Love n Basketball
Actress I dont know
Clothing line Baby Phat
Person to talk to
City to be in College Park
Hair product line Dont know
Season Summer
Sport Cheerleading
Scent Vanilla
Memory Last nite
People in your life
The funniest? Tracy
Smartest? Taylor
Sweetest? Josh
Meanest? Shonte
Sexiest? N/A
Most talkative? Sheldon
Most ambitious? N/A
Scariest? Jeeyah
Most inspiring? N/A
Most influential? N/A
Quietest? N/A
Most addicted to myspace? Taylor
The Future
Do you want to go to college? Yea
If so, where? Savannah State
Do you want to be married? Yup
Do you want children? Yup
Where do you want to live? Atlanta
What are three of your most important life goals? Finish Skool.....B successful.....Get a record deal
Quotes to end on ...
On Love: Dont regret it, its a beautiful thing....!
On Family: U gotta watch dem 2.....!
On Friends: A person who iz dere threw thick, n thin no matta tha situation...!
On Self: Life iz 2 short ta b so serious all tha time, dats y im so silly...!

Personality Survey
Are you shy? Somtimes
Are you selfish? Not at all
Are you spoiled? Very
Are you giving? Very
Would you walk by an old lady carrying groceries? Depends
Do you flirt with your best friends boyfriend or girlfriend? O NOOOO
Do you spend most of your free time on Myspace or Blackplanet ? Niether
Do you lie when someone asks you "Do I look o.k. with this on?"? Depends on who it is
Are you conceided? No
Do you go out of your way to get attention? No
Do you go out of your way to help someon? Sometimes
Do you get into arguments a lot with people other than your siblings? No
Have you ever kissed someone who is just a friend? No
Do you watch Dora the explorer? Sometimes
Do you believe in Magic? Not Really
Do you talk back to your parents? Of Course
Have you ever threatened someone? Of Course
Are you afraid of the dark? No
Would you prefer Spongebob or CSI? Niether
Have you ever lied to make someone happy? Of Course
Does your Myspace or Blackplanet picture show a picture of your face or your body? Face
Would you prefer soda or Juice? Juice
Is this survey too long? no
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All tha Fridays, Cinderella(wit Brandy), Double Platinum, n above all Love n Basketball. Oh yea, i cant 4get Brown Sugar...!!!


Moesha, BET, Simple Life, Dawson's Creek, Saved by tha Bell,and otha lil crazy shows..!!!!


Addicted, Liars Game, Coldest Winter Ever, Lady's Night, Diary of a Video Vixon, and Flyy Girl..!!!


My aunties Traci n Jennifer Harper...!!! My grandma's(Ruth n Gloria), my Uncle Derek, My daddy, n My momma...!