i like camping and canoeing and all that outside stuff i love music and i play the trombone
anyone really im not too picky just looking for a good time
i wont object to anything put into the cd player but i like grateful dead, pink floyd, cat stevens, keller williams , anything with an acoustic and a fiddle or a nice gruop of horns
i like Pink Floyds' The Wall, The Yellow Submarine, Alice In Wonderland, The Narnia Movie, Phantom Of The Oprah, any of the Monty Python or Three Ninja movies and Kung Fu hustle.
i dont watch much t.v. so i guess my favorites would be M*A*S*H*, The Simpsons, and AQua Teen
I dont read too often by the time i get to the end of the book i cant remember what happened at the beginning, but my favorites remain: :"class clown" "a child called it" series and "a painted house"
my two older brothers, tony the tiger, tucan sam, and people with big boots